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The Question of International Relations

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1 The Question of International Relations
Who is America’s ally and who is not????

2 You Decide… As each slide comes up you will have a choice between Country A and Country B. On a scrap piece of paper keep track of who you think we should ally with. Be prepared to discuss…

3 Country A Country B Helped the U.S. fight the Taliban in Afghanistan by sharing intelligence. Hold some free elections. Women can vote, hold office, and are fully integrated into the workforce. Of the 9/11 hijackers… 15 of the 19 came from Country B. Does not allow it’s women to vote, drive, or run for office. It is illegal to build a church, synagogue, or Hindu Temple in Country B.

4 Country A Country B Has a strategic interest in the pro-U.S. elected Iraqi government. Has more bloggers per capita than any other country in the Middle East. Does not want the U.S. led elected government in Iraq to succeed. Computer use is censored and can lead to arrest if certain websites the government has deemed bad are used.

5 Country A Country B On 9/11, residents of Country A were among the very few in the Muslim world to hold spontaneous pro-U.S. demonstrations. Allows a U.S. Radio Free station called Farda to be played on airwaves. Polls show many people in Country B are hostile to America. Some even celebrated 9/11. The press and the media are censored and are very conservative.

6 Country A Country B The brand of Islam practiced by Country A respects women and rejects Al-Qaeda’s fundamentalism. The brand of Islam practiced by Country B is hostile to any aspect of “moderninity” and other faiths.

7 In terms of International Relations, who is America’s natural ally????
Did you choose Country A or B???

8 Do you see how difficult International Relations can be????????
Country A Country B … is IRAN. … is SAUDI ARABIA. Saudi Arabia is one of our strongest allies in Southwest Asia, yet we have virtually no diplomatic connections with Iran. Do you see how difficult International Relations can be????????

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