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Renaissance & Age of Exploration Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance & Age of Exploration Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance & Age of Exploration Vocabulary

2 Renaissance French Word: “Rebirth” Great accomplishments in:
A period of great artistic, creative, and inventive achievements. Means ‘rebirth’ in French French Word: “Rebirth” Great accomplishments in: ETC…

3 Humanism Abilities Accomplishments Possibilities Studying all about…
The study of the achievements and abilities of humans Humanism Studying all about… Abilities Accomplishments Possibilities

4 Revolution Industrial Revolution
*Led to a change in the workforce world wide. Revolution American Revolution *Led to the creation of the United States Scientific Revolution *Led to the Renaissance and Industrialization of the world

5 Scientific Revolution
Bad news…not everyone likes change. A change! In what? Microscope, telescope, thermometer, barometer

6 Age of Exploration All in an effort to get….
So they went to all these places…but when they got there what did they do? Notice where they are all starting out…what continent is that?

7 Circumnavigate

8 Colony What does the colony get out of this arrangement?
What does the home nation get out of it?

9 Columbian Exchange Positive? Or Negative? Named after…?

10 New World A better question would be…new…according to who? Old World

11 Caravel Notice the direction of the sails in the two images. How would this affect its ability to move? With the wind/against the wind?

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