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Topic 1b – The American Revolution and Aftermath

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1 Topic 1b – The American Revolution and Aftermath
Topic 1b – The American Revolution & Aftermath Topic 1b – The American Revolution and Aftermath Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will be able to: Identify why the American colonists were upset with England after the French-Indian War. Explain how the belief in Enlightenment values, combined with the actions of the British government after the French and Indian War, led the colonists to revolt. Identify two key American documents the Enlightenment helped to form. Analyze the ideologies of the Founding Fathers through the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.

2 Topic 1b – The American Revolution & Aftermath
Road to Revolution Salutary Neglect England let their colonies operate independently (so they could focus at home) French-Indian War Colonies fight France for England England offered little support England levies taxes against colonies to pay for the war Colonies get upset at England now telling them what to do Enlightenment values kick in… How is the French-Indian War an example of Salutary Neglect? What about the aftermath of the French-Indian War made the colonists so upset?

3 Influence of the Enlightenment
Topic 1b – The American Revolution & Aftermath Influence of the Enlightenment Social Contract – Violated England didn’t help with the French-Indian War and is now asking for the colonies to pay for the world war. Britain now wants to rule/legislate over its’ colonies. British government isn’t working. Natural Rights – Violated Britain is taking away natural rights to life (through war), liberty (by legislating over the colonies), and property (through the war and through taxes) Representative Government and Majority Rules - Ignored Colonies aren’t allowed in Parliament Colonies don’t have a voice in British Government The colonies are used to governing themselves (especially during the war) Colonies aren’t allowed to have a voice in government (even though they’re citizens) 1. Pretend you’re writing a letter to British Parliament in the 1770s. Using information above, write a brief letter to Parliament, expressing your frustration with their actions after the French-Indian War. (Be ready to present!)

4 Declaration of Independence
Topic 1b – The American Revolution & Aftermath Declaration of Independence Social Contract See highlighted portion of the Declaration of Independence From Homework 02 Natural Rights Leads to the American Revolution…U.S. wins…obviously… 1. Make a list that matches specific quotes from Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence to Enlightenment values.

5 Articles of Confederation
Topic 1b – The American Revolution & Aftermath Articles of Confederation Representative Government Establishes a Congress (a body that makes laws) in the Federal Government Every state has one representative that had one vote to pass certain laws The people of each state still have a voice in government by directing their representative in how to vote State government’s still exist independently of each other Majority Rules 9/13 votes required to pass a law Notice how its not 7/13 Federalism Shared power between the State Governments (13 individual states) and the Federal Government (1 shared central power)

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