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 forms.

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1 forms

2 forms It is the policy of the Government to use standardized forms to capture, record and store financial data or resources.

3 Importance of forms

4 Importance of Proper usage of forms.

5 Importance of Proper usage of forms.
Set out responsibilities and internal controls.

6 Importance of Proper usage of forms.
Set out responsibilities and internal controls. Guard against abuse of any rights or privileges the forms may permit.

7 Importance of Proper usage of forms.
Set out responsibilities and internal controls. Guard against abuse of any rights or privileges the forms may permit. Assist in ensuring proper authorization and recording of financial and other transactions.

8 Importance of Proper usage of forms.
Set out responsibilities and internal controls. Guard against abuse of any rights or privileges the forms may permit. Assist in ensuring proper authorization and recording of financial and other transactions. Ensure documentation and legitimacy of the transaction as properly signed.

9 Importance of Proper usage of forms.
Set out responsibilities and internal controls. Guard against abuse of any rights or privileges the forms may permit. Assist in ensuring proper authorization and recording of financial and other transactions. Ensure documentation and legitimacy of the transaction as properly signed. Monitor and account for the series or sequence, purchase, receipt, storage, and issuances.

10 Importance of Proper usage of forms.
Set out responsibilities and internal controls. Guard against abuse of any rights or privileges the forms may permit. Assist in ensuring proper authorization and recording of financial and other transactions. Ensure documentation and legitimacy of the transaction as properly signed. Monitor and account for the series or sequence, order, purchase, receipt, storage, and issuances. Subject to evidence and keep records history. 

11 forms

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