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Introduction to The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

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1 Introduction to The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Honors 9th, Nov

2 Tuesday Do Now Please open up your notebooks to section one. On a new page, put the proper heading at the top, write the question, and then write a journal response to the question below. You are expected to write at least ¾ of a page. (If you have large handwriting, I expect a full page). What does Okonkwo’s death at the end of Things Fall Apart symbolize? Hint! Consider the discussion we had last week concerning the change of perspective in the last chapter.

3 Welcome to Unit 2b! Today we will be starting a new book! We are calling this unit “2b” because many of the themes and ideas we discussed in our last unit will carry us into our study of this novel. The title of our next unit is : “The Legacy of Imperialism.” What conclusions can you draw/predications can you make based off of this title? New Book Contracts! Return tomorrow for full credit.

4 Literary Terms Alliteration Sarcasm Duality Syntax Verbal Irony Situational Irony Dramatic Irony Record these terms on your lit. Terms form. Finish this form by Friday. There will be a quiz! Epigraph* Allusion* Anaphora Satire Hyperbole

5 Discussion How do you think the Ibo people and culture today might be affected by their history of European imperialism? why might the legacy of imperialism look like for the Ibo?

6 Introduction to unit background reading
Please read the document titled “An Introduction to the Unit “The Legacy of Imperialism” There are two parts to this background information. Please read and annotate carefully as this information is crucial to our unit

7 Analysis of cover art, epigraph, and title of our work
Please see handout for instructions.

8 Homework Get your book contracts signed!
Finish the questions for your background reading. Complete your literary terms study form. Bring your Things Fall Apart books tomorrow. They will be collected and graded!

9 Wednesday Do Now Once in your seat, you may put your name on the inside cover of your new book. Please get out your worksheet titled “Introduction to True Diary”

10 Objective: Agenda: We will analyze the cover art, title, and epigraph of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part- Time Indian and compare these items to the novel Things Fall Apart. Analysis of Cover Art, Title, and Epigraph for True Diary Class discussion and comparison of epigraphs from both novels Class reading of Ch. 1

11 Homework Read pages 1-24 of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Read and annotate specifically for TONE. What is the tone of these chapters? How is it created? Study your literary terms as you will have a quiz on Friday!

12 Friday Do Now Once seated, please get out the following items:
Your “Legacy of Imp.” study guide (yellow packet) Your copy of True Diary We will take our literary terms quiz two minutes after the bell. Please use this time to review your terms! If you were absent Wednesday, please come see me up front as the bell rings.

13 Objective: Agenda: We will analyze the tone of p of True Diary and how that tone is created. We will discuss in a Socratic Seminar and synthesize in writing how the tone of our novel contributes to the characterization of our protagonist. Literary Terms Quiz Discussion of unit 2b Organization Socratic Seminar Preparation Socratic Seminar Reflection Homework Discussion

14 Socratic Seminar Preparation
We will be taking part in a “Fish Bowl” Socratic Seminar. You have all been given a partner today. Those who received a card with a #1 will be in the center of the circle first. Those who received a #2 will go next. (We will switch roles twice.) Partner Roles Outside Circle Inside Circle Coaching! Take notes on what is being said. Prepare feedback for your partner. How can they do better next time they are in the circle? Taking part in the seminar! Share, respond to peers, take notes, and have your voice heard!

15 Grade yourself According to the Socratic Seminar Rubric

16 Socratic Seminar Reflection
Synthesize your response to the question below in your Notebooks. I expect at least one page of writing minimum. If your handwriting/notebook is small, I may expect more. How does the tone of p of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian contribute to the characterization of Jr.?

17 Homework Synthesize your response to the question below in your Notebooks. I expect at least one page of writing minimum. If your handwriting/notebook is small, I may expect more. How does the tone of p of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian contribute to the characterization of Jr.? Read p & Literature Circles Work

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