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Eisenhower’s Foreign Policy.

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1 Eisenhower’s Foreign Policy

2 A strong economy and military will stop Communism!
Truman vs. Eisenhower “Brinksmanship” Ch. 15.4 “Containment” Chapter 15.1 A strong economy and military will stop Communism! Marshall Plan Truman Doctrine Berlin Airlift NATO Korean War Massive retaliation. M. A. D. “Domino Theory” CIA & covert operations Eisenhower Doctrine

3 Ike’s policies defined
Brinkmanship: willingness to go to the brink of war to force other side to back down Massive Retaliation: threaten to use nuclear weapons to avoid war MAD – Mutually Assured Destruction

4 Ike in action 4. Domino Theory – if one country falls to Communism, those around it will. 5. Covert Ops – Using CIA to conduct secret operations 6. Eisenhower Doctrine – aid (money or military) to Middle East to fight Communism

5 Ending the Korean War Eisenhower campaigned on ending the war
Secretly told Chinese he might us nuclear weapons Threat worked Armistice (peace) negotiated Korea remained divided – is today

6 JFK’s Foreign Policy (1961-1963)
Flexible Response: Move away from nuclear weapons to more conventional weapons and more troops to fight communism.

7 Bay of Pigs Invasion 1959: Fidel Castro, a Communist overthrows American supported Cuban dictator Batista 1961: CIA arms 1400 Cuban exiles to start an armed rebellion against Castro Castro kills or captures them all A disaster for JFK

8 Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962: U.S. spy plane sees nuclear silos being built on Cuba JFK sets up a naval blockade of Cuba Closest U.S./U.S.S.R. ever came to nuclear war

9 Secret Deal over Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviets agree to remove missiles U.S. must promise not to invade Cuba U.S. will remove missiles from Turkey (NEVER DOES)

10 Other JFK Cold War Issues
Alliance for Progress: Stop Communism in Latin America by helping their economies grow Peace Corp: Provide humanitarian aid to undeveloped countries to stop Communism Berlin Wall: built by Khrushchev when U.S. refused to leave West Berlin

11 The Space Race Competition to see who could be most successful in space US successes 1st men on the moon USSR successes: Launched 1st satellite – Sputnik 1st person to orbit Earth – Yuri Gagarin

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