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6X Thursday Spain Builds an Empire

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1 6X 11-10-2016 Thursday Spain Builds an Empire
Objective: Describe how Spain established a large empire in the Americas. Agenda: Prayer Do Now: Copy 2.3 key terms and people into your notes. Go over Do Now Read and take notes on chapter 2.3 (use chart from page 46) Homework: A+ answer: How did the Spanish conquer the great Aztec and Inca empires?

2 Chapter 2.3 Spain Builds an Empire Key Terms and People
Conquistadors – Soldiers from Spain who led military expeditions in the Americas. Hernan Cortes – Spanish conquistador who sailed from Cuba into Mexico to conquer the Aztecs. Moctezuma II – was the ruler of the Aztecs at the height of their power during the 1500s. He was killed by the Spanish conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes. Francisco Pizarro – Conquistador who conquered the Incas of South America with less than 400 men by 1534. Encomienda system – Was a system of the Spanish government which allowed their settlers in the Americas to tax Native Americans and put them to work. However, settlers were supposed to protect the Native American people and convert them to Christianity (Catholicism). Plantations – large farms that grow just one kind of crop. They did this to make money. Bartolome de las Casas – a priest that tried to convert Native Americans to Christianity (Catholicism) by showing them love, gentleness, and kindness.

3 Explorer Sponsored By Traveled To Christopher Columbus from Genoa, Italy Spain by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand The Bahamas – but Columbus thought it was India Effects of Journey - got more lands for Spain Created competition and conflict between European countries. Amerigo Vespucci Spain Present day South America Effect of Journey – The Americas were named after Amerigo Vespucci. He knew that he had landed onto new land. “The New World” Vasco Nunez de Balboa Spain Pacific Ocean – first European to see the Pacific Ocean Effect of Journey – Europeans now knew that there is a Pacific Ocean. Ferdinand Magellan Spain 1519 to 1522 CIRCUMNAVIGATED the world! He was killed in the Philippines, but his crew were the first people EVER to go all the away around the world. 40,000 Miles long. EFFECTS OF the journeys of all these European explorers: (read page 44-45) Effects of all the journeys The Europeans learned more about the world. Columbian Exchange was established – trade was established between Europe, the Americas, and Africa. Europeans got new plants: cocoa, tobacco, corn, maize, beans, squash, potatoes, The Europeans brought cattle, horses, pigs, grains, citrus fruits, sugar cane, and diseases to the Americas.

4 Homework A+ answer: How did the Spanish conquer the great Aztec and Inca empires?
Spanish Conquest and Settlements Aztec Empire


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