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Architecture & System Performance

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Presentation on theme: "Architecture & System Performance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Architecture & System Performance

2 Performance NOT always critical to a project Hard to manage
Really hard to fix after the fact! The architect is the first person to impact performance!

3 You cannot control what you cannot measure!

4 Topics Measurement Tools Managing a Design for performance

5 Measuring Performance
State your goals Clear Quantifiable Define the system Boundary is VERY important

6 Services and Outcomes Services are the activities of the system
May be use case related Outcomes are results of a service executions Positive Negative

7 Select Metrics Need to match the goals Generally: Speed Accuracy
Throughput Response time Accuracy Availibility

8 List parameters System Hardware Software Workload Typical Maximum

9 Select Factors to Study Evaluation Techniques
Not all params can be modified Evaluation Techniques Analytical modeling Simulation Real system measurement

10 Select workload Design experiments Analyze the data System workload
Operations / services Background Other systems on same processor Processor load due to OS Design experiments Maximize the data gained by careful design Analyze the data

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