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Word of the Week Insipid Synonyms: - Weak, bland, tasteless

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1 Word of the Week Insipid Synonyms: - Weak, bland, tasteless
W/b: 1st October 2018 Insipid Adjective Without taste, flavourless. Synonyms: - Weak, bland, tasteless Examples: The coffee from the cafeteria was insipid. Without garlic and chilli, the pastawas insipid.

2 Bishop Justus Church of England School
Morning Worship Dyslexia Awareness Week 1st October 2018 Bishop Justus Church of England School

3 Let the light of Christ shine in our lives
Gather The Lord be with you And also with you Let the light of Christ shine in our lives

4 Receive Happy are those who find wisdom,
and those who get understanding, for her income is better than silver, and her revenue better than gold. she is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. From the book of Proverbs, Chapter 3

5 Engage A definition - Dyslexia is a specific learning difference that primarily affects the ability to learn to read and spell. It often runs in families and stems from a difficulty in processing the sounds in words. Some 10% of the UK population are affected.

6 Engage Video suggestion … Dyslexia – so what’s it all about
Some discussion ideas … What are your favourite learning styles? What distracts you when you are concentrating? When you are being taught, what methods do you prefer? (e.g. demonstration, diagrams, words …) What is creativity? Discussion techniques - Go back to the Bible passage ask “How does the theme link with the Bible passage?” Discuss the question in pairs for 30 seconds then invite a response from each pair. Use quick-fire answers e.g. throw a soft bean bag / toy to a student, when they answer they throw it back and you quickly throw to another student. Simplify the question - Invite quick one-word answers, write them on the board, then reflect on the answers – see connections. Activity suggestion … Invite people to describe themselves – without using words

7 Respond Amen God, we thank you for the wonderful variety
[Reflect for a minute on the worship theme and our engagement …] God, we thank you for the wonderful variety that we have in the world. For all our different gifts and talents. Help us to respect and honour our differences. Amen Prayer / reflection technique – Give a summary of the theme and any responses that students may have made, then invite everyone to be still (remind no books open etc – lessen distraction). To pray or reflect on today’s worship. Be quiet for one minute. Then say the prayer …

8 Go out into the world with the light of Christ
Let us bless the Lord Thanks be to God Go out into the world with the light of Christ

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