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COED 2018-19 SLO Reporting.

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1 COED SLO Reporting

2 Before you begin If you have any questions after reading all the directions, contact Laura Hart at or Directions are available as pdf doc on the COED Assessment Website  Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Data available on S drive / aggregated on dashboard: February 4 Program summaries with preliminary conclusions (target data) available: February 11 All activities and reports due April 15.

3 Step 1 – Preparing for “Closing the Loop” with faculty (Program Directors)
1. Gather your information (contact Ed Conway for access to S: drive) To access …. Go to … Selected data aggregated for comparisons COED Data Dashboards – available to faculty only. Niner net login required. All data in original – Excel format Computer  Shared Drive (S:)  coed  Shared  Assessment  All Data for Programs … then select your department, then your program. Within your program folder you will find multiple excel files, depending on your program. There are multiple tabs at the bottom of each file. Preliminary Data Analysis Summaries (compiled by COED-AO) – Word format Computer  Shared Drive (S:)  coed  Shared  Assessment  All Data for Programs … then select your department, then your program. Within your program folder you will find the current program data summary as a Word doc for your program. Identified program improvement goal(s) for (as reported on spring 2018 reports)  found in Spring 2019 SACSCOC reports folder – pdf format Computer  Shared Drive (S:)  coed  Shared  Assessment  SACSCOC Reports and Program Review  Spring 2019 (reporting on 2018 data) … then select your department, then your program.

4 Step 2 – Closing the Loop meeting with faculty (facilitated by Program Directors)
Schedule a meeting(s) to review these data with program faculty (protocol provided). Use provided protocol to structure your meeting (see docs on website). Share info you want reviewed in advance. Review 2018 goals for progress (SLO and non-SLO related). Prioritize ideas for data-sharing with faculty. Outcomes from Closing the Loop meeting: Identify program improvement goals for 2019 (April 16, 2019-April 15, 2020) with faculty input using data to make decisions. May be based on SLO data or other data sources (we have a lot of data!).

5 Step 3 – Completing the SLO report and recording program goals
BEFORE YOU BEGIN, refer to the handout for detailed instructions – available on COED Assessment website under “Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)” link on left-side menu. Compliance Assist (the university software system for assessment) rolls over the SLO reports into the template. Therefore, we only have to update the pieces that need to be changed (including narratives). We will do this via our own template in SurveyShare; COED-AO will then transfer the changes as indicated. COED-OA enters data for you (only data!).

6 Important to remember:
You are reporting on your data results / goals established for spring 2018/fall 2018 data. AND You are determining new goals for 2019 data Both of these are in the same report.

7 Template fields – highlights – Section 1
Academic Affairs has reorganized the template For each SLO: 1.1 Plan for Current Year (2018)– Effectiveness Measure* (assessment) Example: project, test score, student work product 1.2 Plan for Current Year (2018) – Methodology* How are you administering and evaluating the Effectiveness Measure? 1.3 Plan for Current Year (2018)– Expected Performance Outcome* State percentage of student you expect to show a specific level of proficiency. “The performance outcome should be aspirational and achievable. *Assuming no changes, this should roll over from 2017.

8 Template fields – highlights – Section 2
2.1 Reporting for Current Year – Performance Outcome Met Yes/no 2.2 Reporting for Current Year – Assessment data from 2018 COED-OA will enter these for you 2.3 (Part 1) – Reporting for Current Year – Reflections on Continuous Improvement of Student Learning (AKA reporting on last year’s SLO goals if you had one) Describe improvements you planned to implement this year as a result of last year’s assessment data. If you had an SLO related goal, list it here.

9 Template fields – highlights – Section 2 (cont)
2.3 (Part 2)– Reporting for Current Year -- Reflections on the Continuous Improvement of Student Learning (AKA Reporting on Last Year’s SLO/Program Goals) Were all of the planned changes implemented? If not, please explain. Describe what progress has been made on your goals. 2.3 (Part 3) – Reporting for Current Year -- Reflections on the Continuous Improvement of Student Learning (AKA Reporting on Last Year’s SLO/Program Goals) What impact did the changes made have on student learning? Describe the impact of the changes – go back to your data set to see if any change has been recorded in this year’s data. If no impact has been observed, please provide possible explanations, making sure your future actions align with data provided.

10 Template Highlights – Section 3
You need your 2019 goals developed in your Closing the Loop meetings before you begin Section 3. 3.1 Changes Planned for Next Year: What changes will the program implement during the next year to improve student learning for this SLO? List of drop down options – select all that apply. 3.2 Changes Planned for Next Year -- Changes to Curriculum for this SLO 3.3 Changes Planned for Next Year -- Assessment Plan for this SLO List drop down options – select all that apply.

11 Notes – Briefly describe your 2019 SLO-related goal.
CURRENTLY BLANK – MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL PROGRAMS if any changes for this SLO were identified in 3.1, 3.2, or 3.3 IF YOU IDENTIFIED ANY CHANGES FOR NEXT YEAR TO THE SLO in the previous three questions, briefly summarize what changes you plan to make specific to your program. This will be added to your list of program goals for 2019. List your goal(s) as succinct statements so they are easy for external stakeholders to understand. Avoid jargon and “COED”-specific terms as much as possible. If you do not have an SLO-related goal, skip to the next question.

12 Part Two – Goals based on non-SLO data sources
Are the program goal(s) developed by faculty based on non-SLO data sources? Select one of the following: My program has identified at least one actionable program improvement goal related to SLO data already in this template. We are not adding any other goals based on non-SLO data sources for 2019 at this time. My program has identified at least one actionable program improvement goal related to SLO data already in this template. However, we wish to add additional goals based on non-SLO data sources. My program has NOT identified at least one actionable program improvement goal related to SLO data. Our program goal will be based on non-SLO data sources.

13 If you have additional goals based on non-SLO data sources …
Describe your SLO goal. Make sure it is actionable and measurable. List your goal(s) as succinct statements so they are easy for external stakeholders to understand. Avoid jargon and “COED”-specific terms as much as possible. Give the data source you are using to justify your goal. Can list up to two. If you have already identified goals related to SLO sources, you do not have to list additional goals (but you may if program faculty have opted to do so).

14 Next Steps – After April 15:
COED-OA will update all results for all programs in Compliance Assist. COED-OA will contact program directors and chairs on any questions. COED-OA will generate a FINAL report for each program, to be placed in the department SLO folder for on our S: drive under “SACSCOC-SLO Reports and Program Review.” COED-OA will inform program directors and chairs once this process is complete. Program Directors review the final version and notify COED-OA with any changes. COED-OA submits all reports to Academic Affairs by June 1.

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