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The Spending Review and health

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Presentation on theme: "The Spending Review and health"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Spending Review and health

2 Contents Structural deficit Headline numbers SR processes Key health numbers Pressures 6. Efficiencies 7. Example on capital 8. Reform & efficiency 9. Policy 10. Reaction PROTECT - IL1 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

3 Structural budget deficit
PROTECT - IL1 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

4 Headline overall numbers
PROTECT - IL1 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

5 Professional engagement
SR Process Public engagement Professional engagement DH & spending team Independent Challenge Group Star chamber Quadrilaterals PROTECT - IL1 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

6 Key health numbers 0.1% real annual increase in NHS TDEL
1.3% real cumulative increase in NHS RDEL -17% real decline in NHS capital Additional £2bn funding for social care by 14/15 Abolition of EYF PROTECT - IL1 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

7 Pressures PROTECT - IL1 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

8 Southend hospital £160k on dialysis
Efficiencies Big picture £20bn QIPP savings 33% admin cuts Workforce is key Pay freeze Progression Productivity including sickness Agency staff Specifics Southend hospital £160k on dialysis Oxford Radcliffe £1m on electronic blood Nottingham University digital dictation 10 hospitals on fractured neck of femur PROTECT - IL1 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

9 Capital example – connecting for health
£600m previous Government £500m from local specification decisions £200m from contract renegotiation Total of £1.3bn savings Overall cost fall to £11.4bn 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

10 Longer term: NHS reforms
Efficiencies Patient centred Information Choice and competition End to hidden bail outs Aligning clinical and financial decisions Controls DH – taxpayer funded Commissioning board Consortia Licensing Risk pools 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

11 Prioritising spend Making tough choices Policies
£200m cancer drugs fund Improving access to talking therapies Real terms increases in health research Funding for reablement 4200 health visitors Making tough choices Car parking One-to-one nursing Prescription charges for people with long-term conditions Personal care at home Cancer diagnostics PROTECT - IL1 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

12 Reactions “Government keeps pledge” “As good as can be hoped for” “Biggest financial challenge the NHS has ever faced” “…” PROTECT - IL1 01 November 2010 PROTECT - IL1

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