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ENG 1D1 Monday February 23rd, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "ENG 1D1 Monday February 23rd, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENG 1D1 Monday February 23rd, 2015

2 It’s Monday

3 Today’s Agenda Grammar Characterization Character Traits
Identifying Character - “For the Birds”

4 Grammar Answers Time4Writing -
Writing Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences #’s 1-10 will vary Let’s take-up some of your ideas and discuss the sentences you created

5 Characterization Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the PERSONALITY of a character. Click on the image to access the lesson.

6 Character Traits Character traits are words that describe a character’s personality. Task: Choose a character trait, define it, and use it in a sentence. When you are done with your trait, fill out the chart on the board. Choose 10 other traits from the board and fill in the rest of the chart.

7 Characterization Characters
These are the people who play roles in the story. We know who they are based on what they say, how they behave and what others say about them. What role do these people play in life? Teachers/ Doctors/ Musicians/ Store Owner

8 Characterization The protagonist is the major character who moves the story along. The antagonist is the character that opposes the protagonist.

9 Identify the Characters
Protagonist(s)? Antagonist(s)? Character traits?

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