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Organizations, Power, and Empowerment

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Presentation on theme: "Organizations, Power, and Empowerment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizations, Power, and Empowerment
Chapter 5 Organizations, Power, and Empowerment

2 Types of Health Care Organizations
Private not-for-profit Publicly supported Private for-profit

3 Understanding Organizational Culture
Artifact level Espoused beliefs Underlying assumptions

4 Organizational Goals Survival Growth Profit Status Dominance

5 Organizational Structures
Traditional Hierarchical Employees are ranked from top to bottom Number of people on the bottom usually greater than the number on the top Authority resides at the top Power is distributed

6 The Organizational Hierarchy
CEO Administrators Managers Staff nurses Technicians (including LPNs) Aides, housekeeping, maintenance

7 Innovative Organic structure Emphasizes flexibility Less centralized
Decisions are made by the individuals who will implement them Emphasizes autonomy

8 Processes A way to get things done within an organization
Two mechanisms Formal Informal

9 Definition Power is the ability to influence other people despite resistance Power may be actual or potential Power may be intended or unintended

10 Sources of Power Authority Reward Expertise Coercion

11 Who Has the Power? Managers Clients Assistants Nurses

12 Feeling Empowered Includes
Empowering Nurses Feeling Empowered Includes Self-determination Meaning Competence Impact

13 Contributors to Empowerment
Decision-making Manageable workload Reward and recognition Fairness

14 Group-Level Empowerment
Professional organizations Collective bargaining Shared governance

15 Enhancing Expertise Participate in team conferences CEU offerings
Attend conferences Keep your reading up-to-date Participate in nursing research Observe experienced nurses and nurse leaders

16 Conclusion Becoming and remaining empowered requires active participation Seek organizations whose organizational cultures are a fit with your professional goals


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