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Assessment and Units of Study

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1 Assessment and Units of Study

2 Assessment Cycles This graphic shows the various types of assessments we should use to monitor student learning.

3 What will students know and be able to do?
Provide multiple opportunities for students to understand and practice for transference of their learning. End Task Preassessment Formative Task Formative Task Formative Task Practice opportunities with teacher feedback. Student performance informs instruction. Using the same skills over time on different tasks. This is basically what’s in the unit. There are a series of formative tasks that all build up to a culminating task. There is instruction (lesson & resources - “The arrows”), then a formative task, then repeats (lesson, resources, task), then repeats (lessons, resources, task). Then the unit culminates with results the “Culminating Task” Arrow are the teaching-

4 Formative assessment is a process, not a test It is an instructional cycle that focuses on having a clear learning target, collection of evidence of student learning regarding the topic, and interpretation of the evidence, and a response to the data. Pair/Share: What does formative assessment look like in a classroom?

5 Analyzing Unit Assessments
Intended Learning_______________________________________ E V I D N C Skills/Concepts students have mastered Skills/Concepts that need additional instruction Instruction Response to the assessment (Act on Evidence) Support for Specific Students R E S P O N

6 Considerations How unit assessments fit in your district’s overall assessment plan How data management tools will be used Process for analyzing and responding to data Table Talk: How is your district using the assessments in your units of study?

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