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Physical and skill related fitness

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1 Physical and skill related fitness
Speed Aerobic endurance Flexibility Strength Body composition Muscular endurance Power Agility Reaction time Co-ordination Balance Physical Skill Please start this PowerPoint in slide show mode for interactivity. Hover over each square to see the definition of each component.

2 Speed Speed Aerobic endurance Flexibility Strength Body composition Muscular endurance Power Agility Reaction time Co-ordination Balance Physical Skill The ability to move the whole body or body parts quickly, e.g. running fast or hitting balls fast

3 Flexibility Physical Skill
The range of movement available at a joint or series of joints Speed Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

4 Aerobic endurance Physical Skill
The ability of the body to exercise for long periods of time without getting tired Speed Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

5 Body composition Physical Skill
The amount of lean body tissue and fat a person possesses Speed Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

6 Strength Physical Skill The maximum amount of force a muscle can exert
Speed Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

7 Muscular endurance Physical Skill
The ability of muscles to keep contracting without getting tired Speed Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

8 Speed Physical Skill The ability to move the whole body or body parts quickly, e.g. running fast or hitting balls fast Speed Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

9 Agility Physical Skill The ability to change direction at speed Speed
Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

10 Power Physical Skill The ability to exert force at speed Speed
Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

11 Reaction time Physical Skill Time between a stimulus and the movement
Speed Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

12 Balance Physical Skill
The ability to maintain equilibrium or stability while performing Speed Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

13 Co-ordination Physical Skill
Moving the correct body parts at the correct time when performing Speed Aerobic endurance Power Agility Body composition Flexibility Speed Reaction time Muscular endurance Strength Balance Co-ordination

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