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Agenda: Ch End of Vietnam handout w/ a partner

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda: Ch End of Vietnam handout w/ a partner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda: Ch. 22-5 End of Vietnam handout w/ a partner
Review for tomorrow’s JFK, LBJ, &Vietnam


3 Peace & Honor Forced to Fight Back in Nam 68 The Politics of Nam $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

4 When U.S. male citizens turn 18 they must register for this which could result in forced conscription at a time of war.

5 The Draft

6 Running to Canada, getting notes from doctors and going to college were strategies for these people.

7 Draft Dodgers

8 This group of people who wore bell bottoms and tie dye represented the new left were perhaps the biggest opponents of the draft

9 The Hippies

10 Neil Young wrote OHIO about the anti-draft demonstrations that turned deadly at this University in Ohio.

11 Kent State University

12 CCR wrote this song to angrily protest the draft process.

13 Fortunate Son

14 Having live broadcasts from the battle front through television revolutionized the Vietnam War giving it this nickname.

15 The Living Room War/TV War

16 This North Vietnamese offensive is seen as the turning point of the war in Vietnam even though the U.S. was the strategic winner.

17 The Tet Offensive

18 This tragedy was where U. S. killed Vietnamese civilians in a small S
This tragedy was where U.S. killed Vietnamese civilians in a small S. Vietnamese village.

19 My Lai Massacre

20 Protests from anti-war demonstrators at the 1968 Democratic National Convention led to violence in this mid-western city

21 Chicago

22 After several setbacks from the Vietnam War this President decided not to run for re-election in 1968.

23 President Johnson (LBJ)

24 This theory goes hand in had with containment & the spreading of to other countries besides Vietnam

25 The Domino Theory

26 This resolution marked the beginning of the U. S
This resolution marked the beginning of the U.S.’s official involvement in Vietnam.

27 The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

28 The U.S. supported this corrupt South Vietnamese leader because he vowed to stop communism at all costs.

29 Ngo Dinh Diem

30 To limit the President’s authority to wage war, congress passed this law that is still in existence today.

31 The War Powers Act

32 This European nation was the imperial force that claimed Vietnam as a colony prior to the nation’s independence.

33 France

34 This chemical was used widely by U. S
This chemical was used widely by U.S. forces in order to destroy jungle foliage in Vietnam. Unfortunately it has created birth defects that still remain with some today.

35 Agent Orange

36 These missions consisted of U. S
These missions consisted of U.S. troops entering villages to destroy any hidden Vietcong forces.

37 Search and Destroy Missions

38 During the Vietnam War this jelly gasoline material was used in explosive bombs that set fire to the jungle

39 Napalm

40 Nicknamed Charlie this fighting group was communist but fought throughout all of South Vietnam.

41 The Vietcong

42 President Nixon used this term when talking about bringing about peace with honor in Vietnam by training the South Vietnamese to take over the war.

43 Vietnamization



46 This President is given credit for getting the U. S
This President is given credit for getting the U.S. out of the Vietnam War.

47 President Nixon

48 President Nixon upset the nation by attacking this path while withdrawing troops from Vietnam

49 Ho Chi Minh Trail

50 President Nixon tried to achieve “peace with honor” by turning over control to the Vietnamese, he referred to this process as this.

51 Vietnamization













64 Final Jeopardy!!

65 American Tragedy

66 This man was convicted for the war crimes
Final Jeopardy This man was convicted for the war crimes Committed during the My Lai Massacre.

67 Lt. William Calley

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