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Lívia Vasas 2015 About the books Lívia Vasas 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Lívia Vasas 2015 About the books Lívia Vasas 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lívia Vasas 2015
About the books Lívia Vasas 2015

2 The holdings the univ. has cc 500 000 volumes
the central library has volumes In the online catalog (till 1950): records

3 From the book rarities I.
Benedicti Sinibaldi Jo. Geneanthropeiae sive de hominis generatione decateuchon Francfurt, 1669.

4 From the book rarities II.
Pasteau Octave La chirurgie urinaire en france d’aprés les documents originaux… Paris 1908.

5 Book rarities III. Balassa János: A képző-műtétek Pest, 1867

6 Paper/without paper Easier to learn from printed books, but

7 Online / e-books University site licence (IP limit)
subscribed (limited or unlimited period automatic update free of charge useage for Semmelweis student/staff From homepage of Library: You need an e-book reader Offline download for - personal useage - limited by payed period

8 Some compulsory printed books English https://lib. semmelweis
Clinically oriented anatomy / Keith L. Moore, Arthur F. Dalley II, Anne M.R. Agur cop. 2014 Grant's atlas of anatomy / Anne M. R. Agur, Arthur F. Dalley II. , cop. 2013 Last's anatomy, regional and applied / Chummy S. Sinnatably , 2011 Harper's illustrated biochemistry / Robert K. Murray [et al.]  cop. 2012 Nelson textbook of pediatrics / [edited by] Robert M. Kliegman [et al.] cop. 2011 Essential cell biology / Bruce Alberts [et al.] , cop. 2014 Basic and clinical pharmacology / ed. by Bertram G. Katzung, Susan B. Masters, Anthony J. Trevor 2012 USMLE medical ethics : The only USMLE ethics high-yield review / Conrad Fischer, Caterina Oneto , 2012 General chemistry / Darrell D. Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon, cop. 2009 Bates' guide to physical examination and history taking / Lynn S. Bickley, Peter G. Szilagyi [nyomtatott anyag], cop. 2013

9 Some compulsory printed books German http://lib. semmelweis
Chemie für Mediziner / A. Zeeck [et al.], 2014 Taschenatlas Pathophysiologie / Stefan Silbernagl, Florian Lang, 2009 Anatomie / Karl Zilles, Bernhard N. Tillmann, 2010 Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen / Bernhard N. Tillmann , 2010 Physiologie / Hrsg. Rainer Klinke [] , 2010 Sobotta Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen: Allgemeine Anatmoie und Bewegungsapparath Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie / Klaus Aktories [et al.], 2013 Basiswissen Chirurgie / J. Rüdiger Siewert, Robert B. Brauer , 2010 Fotoatlas Neuroanatomie : Präparate, Zeichnungen und Text / Thomas Deller, Tamás Sebestény, 2013 Neuroanatomie : Struktur und Funktion / Martin Trepel [nyomtatott anyag], 2012

10 Compulsory online books /ebooks
Guyton, A.C., and Hall, J.E. Textbook of Medical Physiology, Elsevier (örökös, EBSCO) Stanton Bruce A, Koeppen Bruce M, Berne Robert M: Berne & Levy principles of physiology Siegenthaler Walter: Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine, Thieme Drake Richard L, Vogl A Wayne, Mitchell Adam W M: Gray’s anatomy, Elsevier Hobel Calvin J, Gambone Joseph C, Hacker Neville F:    Hacker and Moore's Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Elsevier Kierszenbaum Abraham L, Tres Laura L: Histology and cell biology, Elsevier Braen G. Richard, Jenkins John L.: Manual of emergency medicine, LWW Mumenthaler Mark, Mattle Heinrich: Neurology, Thieme Simmons Mark A: Pharmacology: An Illustrated Review, Thieme Aster Jon C, Robbins Stanley L, Kumar Vinay, Abbas Abul K: Robbins basic pathology, Elsevier Paulsen Friedrich, Waschke Jens: Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, 1-3. Imhof, Herwig: Spinal Imaging, Thieme + Thieme  Color Atlas of …és a Pocket Atlas of … 

11 Online books from Elsevier 189 volumes EBSCO (Provider) 62 volumes
Thieme 80 volumes

12 Online books from Elsevier



15 Online books provided by EBSCO


17 Thieme - Color Atlas of ….



20 Thank you for your attention!

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