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Presentation on theme: "DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TEST REVIEW"— Presentation transcript:

Nerves and blood vessels are located where in your teeth? pulp cavity In which part of the mouth are the incisors located? Canines? Molars? incisors = front canines = front (left & right) molars = sides & back How do cavities usually form? acid from plaque will eat a hole in the tooth The mouth, esophagus, and pharynx make up what? oral cavity

2 What does salivary amylase do?
begins digestion of starch in the mouth The combination of saliva and food in the mouth make up what? bolus What does the epiglottis do? prevents food from entering the trachea (windpipe) Which area is the common area that food and air pass through? pharynx

3 What is the function of the esophagus?
transports food to the stomach Describe peristalsis. movement of food (bolus) in waves caused by smooth muscle contraction What does food become after it is made into a bolus? chyme What are the main parts of the small intestine? duodenum, jejunum, ileum

4 What are the main functions of the liver?
main filter organ of the digestive system, secretes bile which helps break down fat What are the main functions of the large intestine? chyme is converted to feces, water & salts are absorbed, E. coli synthesizes vitamin K What are the macronutrients? carbohydrate, protein, fat, water What are the micronutrients? vitamins, minerals

5 Name some parts of the large intestine.
appendix, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon What does bile do? emulsifies fat to be digested easier Where does absorption begin? small intestine The test will be 16 multiple choice questions and 8 true/false questions. You will also have to label the digestive system diagram. Total points possible = 67


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