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US HISTORY Fall 2017 Mr. Wilson NOTE:

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1 US HISTORY Fall 2017 Mr. Wilson NOTE:
To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Mr. Wilson

2 US HISTORY In an effort to expand the boundaries of historical analysis this course will not focus on a particular period, but rather survey United States History on a larger scale. The goal is not to learn everything that happened in US History but to focus on broad themes and look at cross cultural connections that do relate to our world today. *Before he was president, before San Juan hill, before the Nobel Prize, before being shot in the chest and going out to finish his speech later that day, young Theodore Roosevelt was a rancher and lawman in the west

RESPECT-READINESS-RESPONSIBILITY Students must come to class prepared and ready to learn. Tests are given at the end of each unit There will be several quizzes and essays due at various points in the semester. Students will be given daily assignments, which will usually be due the following day or by the end of class. Extra credit assignments may be offered but are not guaranteed and will not exceed 2% of the students possible grade. Students will participate in various group and individual projects and are responsible for completing a fair share of the work in their groups.

4 Colorado Early Colleges Grading Scale
Grading Expectations Colorado Early Colleges Grading Scale 91-100%=A 81-90%=B 71-80%=C >70%=F Students must turn in assignments complete at beginning of class on the due date Assignments turned in 1 day late receive 25% automatic deduction, 2 days late 50% reduction Extra credit assignments may be offered but are not guaranteed and will not exceed 2% of the students possible grade. Students will participate in various group and individual projects and are responsible for completing a fair share of the work in their groups.

5 Class Expectations

6 Units of Study Pre-Columbian cultures and Pre-colonial period(Beginnings CE) 7. Tecumseh, War of 1812, Indian Relocation Act, Seminole Wars, Louisiana Purchase, Beaver Trade, Slavery, Columbian Exchange, Haitian, Latin revolutions, 1. Introduction to early American cultures The Sections begin to come apart 2. Europe in the Americas, Spanish Empire, French and Dutch trading presence (De Las Casas, De La Vega, Cieza de Leon, 8. Agrarian vs Industrial visions, King Cotton, Texas, Missouri Compromise, Kansas/Nebraska, John Brown, Gold Rush, Know Nothings Colonial period through Ratification (1607CE- 1788CE) ~6 weeks Brother vs Brother for the soul of the country( ) 3. Settlement in Mid-Atlantic, New England and the South(Royal Charter and Governance, City on a Hill, Salem/Puritans, French and Indian War, Geography of three regions/economies) 9. Fort Sumpter to Appomattox, Draft Riots, Copperheads, Technology, Reconstruction ( ) 4. Taxation without Representation(The intolerable acts, Sons of Liberty and the lead up to war) 10. Reconstruction in the South, Radical Republicans, 14th amendment, Memphis Riots, Panic of 1873, Transcontinental railroad. Opening the west, Red Cloud’s War, War for the Black Hills, Go West Young Man, Colorado Statehood, Range Wars, Last of the Buffalo. 5. Revolution! (Lexington and Concord, through Charleston) 6. A Republic, if you can hold it (Articles of Confederation, Federalist Papers, Bill of Rights) The Age of Jefferson through the Westward Expansion ( )

7 US HISTORY SYLLABUS ________________________________________________________________________ Student Name (Please Print) ____________________________________________________ I have read the course syllabus. I understand the expectations and requirements. Parent/Guardian: ____________________________Date: _____________________ Student: _________________________________

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