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Read through the different candidates’ characteristics and rank them in order from 1-10 (1 being the best, 10 being the worst).

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2 Read through the different candidates’ characteristics and rank them in order from 1-10 (1 being the best, 10 being the worst).

3 Candidate 1(+10) 2(+9) 3(+8) 4(+7) 5(+6) 6(+5) 7(+4) 8(+3) 9(+2) 10(+1) A B C D E F G H I J This slide is if you want to tally up the class totals for each candidate and come up with a winner. I use this sometimes, but often just take a verbal tally of each group’s top choices.

4 Candidate A Adolf Hitler

5 Candidate B Winston Churchill

6 Candidate C Harry Truman

7 Candidate D Vladimir Lenin

8 Candidate E Abraham Lincoln

9 Candidate F Franklin D. Roosevelt

10 Candidate G Barack Obama

11 Candidate H Warren G. Harding

12 Candidate I Josef Stalin

13 Candidate J Donald Trump

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