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Performance Based Contracts

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1 Performance Based Contracts
Air Force Performance Based Contracts 29 Jun 05 Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence Dale Clark, AFCEE/ICC 1

2 PBC Overview Air Force Guidance AFCEE Concept of Operation
AFCEE PBC Execution Summary

3 Air Force PBC Guidebook
Environmental Restoration Performance Based Contracting (PBC) Guidebook Internal draft issued by AF/ILEVR in March 2005 Final version expected Summer 2005 Implements 27 Oct 04 SAF/IEE policy memo calling for use of streamlined performance-based approaches to the cleanup process Provides broad guidelines and recommendations for implementation

4 AFCEE PBC Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
CONOPS – Structure to help AFCEE project managers (PMs) and Contracting Officers (COs) prepare better PBC contracts Four seminars/workshops on PBC held since 2004 Attendees included MAJCOM customers, industry, Air Staff, and AFCEE PMs/COs Defined PBC and associated challenges/issues Supported determination of way forward Preliminary Draft CONOPS soon out for review Final CONOPS expected Summer 2005

5 AFCEE PBC Execution Numerous PBC task orders issued since 2003
Variety of contract approaches and vehicles used: Competed or not Best value or low price technically acceptable (LPTA) With or without insurance Statement of Objectives (SOO) vs Statement of Work (SOW) Single-site, multi-site, and/or multi-base Single-year or multi-year awards Common to All: Firm fixed price Identified standards/goals Milestone-based payments Still meet all requirements of CERCLA or RCRA process

6 AFCEE PBC Award Summary
Air Combat Command (three awards) One Competed on best value basis/two fair opportunity selection All were multi-site awards One with insurance/two without insurance Air Education and Training Command (nine awards) Three competed on best value basis / four competed LPTA / two fair opportunity selection None with insurance Air Force Materiel Command (one award) Competed on best value basis Single site No insurance

7 AFCEE PBC Award Summary
Air Force Space Command (two awards) Both competed on best value basis One single-site award; one two-site award None with insurance Air Mobility Command (three awards) Three competed on low price technically acceptable All were multi-site awards One with insurance / two without insurance Air Force Real Property Agency (two awards) One competed on best value basis/one selected under fair opportunity One multi-base and multi-site; one multi-site at one base

8 AFCEE PBC Example Langley AFB – 16 Site Closure
Competed task order under WERC IDIQ contract Timeline Dec 04 – Jan 05 – Preliminary planning, market research, site visit, Draft SOO 7 Feb 05 – Request for proposal released 12 Apr 05 – Seven proposals received 18 – 23 Apr 05 – Evaluation of proposals, integrated best value approach 13 Jun 05 – Award of task order

9 Summary Air Force releasing guidance
Compliant with SAF/IEE and DoD Guidance Building on previous experience Will support MAJCOMs/bases in working PBC projects with their Service Centers AFCEE releasing CONOPS on recommended approaches for PBC AFCEE has tailored contract approach to best fit the needs of MAJCOMs/bases Firm fixed prices, identified goals, milestone payments common to all

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