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Diane Kennedy, Kumi Abercrombie, Martin Bollo, and John Jenness BCIT

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Presentation on theme: "Diane Kennedy, Kumi Abercrombie, Martin Bollo, and John Jenness BCIT"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconciling Graduate Attribute Assessment with Existing Outcome-Based Assessment
Diane Kennedy, Kumi Abercrombie, Martin Bollo, and John Jenness BCIT CEEA 2014

2 BCIT Background Civil, Electrical and Mechanical accredited engineering programs Approximately 600 students enrolled across all programs Evolved from technology programs, with existing strong roots Practitioner-focused engineering graduate

3 Outcome Based Assessment
Roots in culture of outcome based assessment -> defined learning outcomes Approximately 1700 defined across all three programs 5- 12 outcomes per course

4 What is a Learning Outcome?

5 Learning Outcomes vs. Graduate Attributes
Learning outcomes indicative of course goals Indicators of graduate attributes measure program performance Claim: There should be a direct line of sight from a course learning outcome to one or more graduate attributes

6 Breaking it down Learning Outcomes contain explicit and implicit statements of competency of graduate attributes Course assessment tools developed to measure student attainment of Learning Outcome Need to extract data from the course assessment tools to measure Program ability in developing the graduate attributes

7 Mapping LO to GA CIVL 7090 Course Learning Outcomes
CEAB Graduate Attributes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Design a civil engineering project from conception through to a completed plan. X Integrate information, ideas and concepts from previous courses into a comprehensive design effort.

8 An Example. One LO: Many Indicators of GA.
Level of Mastery Grad Attrib Indicator Ref. # Below Expecta tions Develo ping Compet ent Proficient Exceeds Expectati ons COMPONENT LEVEL: 1 2 3 4 5 Report Appearance: General appearance, Title page, Table of Contents, disclaimer Executive Summary 7.1.2 Writing Skill: organization, spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness Visual aids: figures, tables 7.3.1

9 Reflections We had 7 faculty members align existing assessment tools (designed for LO assessment) with indicators of graduate attributes for the purpose of data collection. Some components of the assessment could not be mapped to an indicator. Some components mapped to multiple indicators.

10 Ideas for moving forward
Categories represent ‘leading indicators’? Faculty can provide new indicators Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important. Introduce each of the major topics. To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.

11 Example: Design


13 Microsoft Engineering Excellence
Questions? Microsoft Confidential

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