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Relay For Life of Shrewsbury
April 8th Team Captain’s Meeting 6:00 PM
Team Captain Meeting Agenda
So you’re a team captain…Now what? Team Captain’s Checklist Get your Team Sign-up your team Set Goals! Fundraise! Encourage and support your team Where does all that money go? Accomplishments! Keep up the good work Shrewsbury! Take-Aways… Questions/Answers
Wanted: Relay For Life Team Members
Get Your Team Wanted: Relay For Life Team Members There are many ways to recruit team members. Some recruitment techniques work better than others. Here are a few ideas on how to recruit a terrific team:
Recruiting Made Easy • Get excited! • Relay is for everyone
• Arrange an employee presentation at work • Recruit your family and friends • Get the word out • Get excited! Your enthusiasm is contagious. • Relay is for everyone. You don’t have to be athletic to participate in Relay For Life. People will be walking, running, strolling, dancing, and wheeling around the track. ANYONE can be part of this great community event. • Arrange an employee presentation at work. Lunch is a great time or at an all-employee meeting. Tell your co-workers what Relay For Life is all about. Try to set up a challenge between departments or other locations. Ask your company to sponsor your team (by paying the registration fee). If you’d like a speaker from the American Cancer Society, give a call. • Recruit your family and friends. Build your team roster by including family members. It’s a family affair. Other potential members can be found at your place of worship, doctor’s office, neighborhood, etc. • Get the word out. Put up Relay For Life posters and display the brochure to invite others to participate. Become your organization’s Relay For Life champion.
We’ve found that asking people in person is the best way to build your team. Just find 8-15 people like you – people who are fired up and ready to fight back against cancer – and ask them to help you save more lives through Relay For Life. (if you’re facilitating this in person, pause here and ask each participant to jot down the names of people they plan to ask to be on their team. – give them about a minute). Be sure you tell them WHY you Relay and why you want them to be a part of your team… Even though recruiting in person works best, if your “community” is online, then that’s certainly another option for you as well...
Once you’re set up online as the Team Captain, just log into your participant center and click on the link shown here to your family and friends about being on your team. And remember to follow up with them in person if you don’t hear from them soon. Send
Get Them Signed Up!
You already know the two ways to register for Relay For Life. Can you tell me what they are? (click and they will appear) You’re right -- you can register online at or by filling out a scannable form. The scannable forms are available tonight if you do not have any.
If your team members opt to sign up online, then you can help guide them to your event’s web site so that they can get started. Now, you may be tempted to just go ahead and register your team members online yourself. If you do, please, please be sure you input THEIR address. This way they’ll receive the confirmation with the quick-link to their personal fundraising page. Help Them Get Signed Up
Once your team members are signed up, encourage them to customize their personal pages with their Reason to Relay and their fundraising goal. When they’re set up, they’ll be ready to start their online fundraising!
My To Do List: Set Goals Get Donations Encourage & Support Your Team
To help you prepare to do battle against cancer through your fundraising, we’re going to cover these three topics today: Set Goals Get Donations Encourage & Support Your Team So if you’re ready, let’s jump in…
+ Team fundraising activities
In the overview module we briefly touched on goal setting and why it’s important. In case you have not seen that module, let’s do a quick review. Goal setting is really a simple process. Each of your team members is responsible for raising at least $100. Then, teams typically put together some sort of team fundraising activity in the workplace or in the community to raise a little more money for the fight against cancer. If you add up all of your team member goals + the goal for your team fundraising, you have your team goal. Goals give your team something to shoot for – and by sharing your team’s goal you can monitor progress, celebrate success, and you’ll be creating a little friendly competition with other teams. Let’s go a little deeper into goal setting… Team member goals + Team fundraising activities Team goal
Individual Goal Setting
$200 $500 $425 $100 $350 $175 As team captain, encourage each of your team members to set a personal fundraising goal. This is the goal that they will post on their online fundraising page. Even though each person is expected to raise a minimum of $100, many participants challenge themselves to raise even more. If this was your team, you would ask each of these ladies to share their goal with you. And then you would add that up. $100 $250
+ Team fundraising activities Team goal
In this case, the total for Individual Fundraising would be: $2200 The next step is for you and your team to decide what type of team fundraising activities you plan to do – and set a goal for those. Team member goals: $2200 + Team fundraising activities Team goal
Team Fundraising Activities
Basket Raffle* $350 Team fundraisers can be pretty much anything that you’d like to do just be sure that you always abide by local and state laws – and if your fundraiser involves food, check with the local health department for regulations. If this was your team and you decided on these three activities for team fundraisers, you would also set a goal for each of them. Food* Sales $400 Games $125 * Always abide by local and state laws & health code regulations.
Team member goals: $2200 + Team fundraising: $ 875 Team goal: $3075
In this case, the total for Team Fundraising activities would be: $875 Then just add those two together and that is your Team goal: $3075 Once your goal is set, be sure to communicate that at the Team Captain meeting – and on your Team page online. By putting it on your team page, you and your entire team will be able to track your progress with every single gift that is made. And that helps keep everyone motivated and excited! Team member goals: $2200 + Team fundraising: $ 875 Team goal: $3075
My To Do List: Set Goals Get Donations Encourage & Support Your Team
Once your goals are set, it’s time to start collecting donations!
Register 8-15 friends, family members or co-workers
In the overview module, we briefly covered the 4 basic ways that Relayers raise funds to fight cancer.…. Can anyone remember what they are? (facilitator – may want to give prize to person who answers)
Write letters Online Team Fundraisers Fundraise @ Relay
Right – the four types are: Individual fundraising, Online fundraising, Team fundraising, and Onsite fundraising. Let’s look at each of these fundraising types and discuss the best practices that go along with each. Team Fundraisers Fundraise @ Relay
Individual Fundraising
Individual Fundraising is comprised of those activities that your team members do on their own to reach the personal goals that they set for themselves. The most effective and successful form of individual fundraising is letter writing. Team members send letters to their friends and family around the world asking for their support. The letters are personal and generally share the person’s reason to Relay – why they’re passionate about saving lives from cancer. The other important piece is including a self-addressed envelope so that donations can be sent quickly and easily. Sample letters can be found on
Individual Fundraising
Beyond letter writing, there are many things that your team members may choose to do to raise money for Relay For Life. One of the easiest and most popular is collecting loose change in the workplace or neighborhood. This is a great way for kids to raise money, too. Empty Film canisters can hold up to $10 in quarters. And a water bottle is good for collecting about $90 in dimes.
Write letters Online Team Fundraisers Fundraise @ Relay
The next type is online – which is another form of individual fundraising. Team Fundraisers Fundraise @ Relay
After participants register online, they can upload their address book and send s to ask for donations. And, now, you can add a badge to your Facebook page to ask for donations and support! As team captain, challenge your team members to send out s. The more s that are sent, the more money raised to fight cancer. If your team members are concerned about getting started, let them know that there are pre-formatted letters to help them ask for donations, follow up with potential donors, and even thank you notes that they can send out. However, it is always best if they personalize their letters and s. Online donations are encouraging because you can watch your fundraising thermometer rise with every donation.
Write letters Online Team Fundraisers Fundraise @ Relay
The third type is Team Fundraising. This is where your full team puts together an activity or event to raise money for the American Cancer Society. This picture shows a garage sale. Why not get rid of your junk for a good cause? There are any number of other team fundraising ideas – but we’ve found that those fundraising activities that focus on things people spend money on anyway are most successful. For example – food sales, movie nights, collecting used prom dresses and reselling them… The sky’s the limit. Team Fundraisers Fundraise @ Relay
Teams may host bake sales, game booths, kids events, or other activities to raise money at the event. There are loads of fundraising ideas on too. There’s no limit to the things you can do – as long as they are legal.
In your team captain packet you will have a bundle of these participant donation envelopes.
Be sure to give one to each of your team members for them to collect their donations in. They’ll turn these into you a week or so before the event so that you can in turn take them to “Bank Night.” Bank Night is where team captains can turn in the bulk of their fundraising dollars before the event. Also be sure to give your team members new envelopes when you take the full ones so that they can continue to collect donations. There will be a place at the event to turn in money too. Even after the event, your team members may be bringing money to you to turn in – just get it to your local event volunteers or mail it to the American Cancer Society office in your area.
My To Do List: Set Goals Get Donations Encourage & Support Your Team
Your team is well on its way to meeting their goals. As team captain, you are also the team cheerleader with one of your main roles being encouragement and support of your team.
Encourage & Support Your Team
In previous modules, we’ve already discussed the importance of ongoing communication between you and your team. Team meetings, phone calls, s, IMs, and Facebook messages are all great ways to stay in touch with your team members. Some ways to keep your team motivate are to • Dedicate your team to a cancer survivor. If you know someone who is dealing with cancer, why not pay tribute by dedicating your team to them? Also, invite cancer survivors to participate. The Survivors’ Lap is for them. • Create a team theme. Tap your creativity. Come up with a unique name and plan to decorate your tent city with props that match your theme. • Get the word out. Put up Relay For Life posters and display the brochure to invite others to participate. Become your organization’s Relay For Life champion. • Share your Relay story to help connect them with why Relay For Life is important.
Success Progress By consistently communicating with your team, you will be able to monitor their progress – and celebrate each level of success!
Monitor Progress Event Team Individual
“How do I monitor progress?” You may ask… There are three ways to monitor your team’s progress… Check the Event Page regularly for information and updates. You’ll also be able to see how your team stands compared to others. 2. Monitor your team page to see if you’re team is on track to make your goal. Share this information with your team so that they stay excited about your team’s progress, too. 3. And last on this list – but probably the most important – is to keep track of how each individual is doing in their fundraising efforts. Offer tips and ideas to help them keep moving forward. Event Team Individual
Another benefit of team meetings and regular communication is that you can celebrate success along the way! Get excited about reaching certain benchmarks along the way. If your team goal is $2000 – whoop it up when you reach the $500 mark – you’re ¼ of the way there! Same with your team members. Recognize their efforts each time a team member reaches the $100 mark. This let’s them know that they are important and that you are paying attention to the value they bring to your team. Celebrate Success!
Achievements as of 4/8! Income: $3739 Teams: 24 New Teams: 6
Survivors: 16 Participants: 97
Your donations at work:
$25 – buys 30 petri dishes (150) $50 – buys 167 test tubes (75) $100 – pays for a Reach to Recovery visit (37) $200 – pays for Look Good Feel Better beauty consultant (19) $250 – pays for 83 hours of toll free access to the 24/7 hotline, (15) $1000 – pays expense of one patient’s stay at a Hope Lodge (almost 4) *(#) = How many we could pay for given the money raised thus far
Achievements as of 4/8! Team Fundraising Club
Not yet! Individual Fundraising Club Mary Pritchard-Gold Andrea Sahl-Silver Terry Rocco-Silver Mary Farina-Bronze
Survivor Tent/Main Tent
Campsite Selection Activities Area Survivor Tent/Main Tent Campsite
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