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EPM ‘Annex App’ User Guide v3
Contents Aims of this App How the App works
Accessing Annex – BEIS Users Opening the Annex App Accessing Annex – Partner Organisations Opening Annex Annex Homepage Review Sections Required Select Organisational Unit Persistence of Selections Select Cycle Marking Sections as Required Providing an Explanation for a Nil Return Launch the Personal To Do List for Org Unit Non TB Personal To Do List for Org Unit Selecting a Section on the Personal To Do List Non Trial Balance Data Capture sheet Dealing with narrow cells - 1 Dealing with narrow cells - 2 Entering Data 1 Entering Data 2 Submitting a Section for a group- 1 Submitting a Section for a group - 2 Auto-Advance to next Section Skipping a Section Selecting from a different To Do List Reviewing and Approving Rejecting a Section Result of Rejecting a Section Changing back to Next for Contribution Making Specific Selections - 1 Making Specific Selections - 2 Making Specific Selections - 3 Making Specific Selections – 4 Security Work Flow Work Flow Restrictions
Aims of Annex The Financial Accounts team (FRC) needs to collect information on a range of departmental activities for inclusion in the annual report and accounts. Annex is designed to capture Non TB data, ie more detailed breakdowns of the TB values and other supporting figures as well as supporting narrative. Annex differs from the Non-TB functionality in POP in that POP can only be used for collecting Partner Entity data at BEIS levels of Materiality. Annex can collect Partner Entity data at Partner levels of Materiality. This allows FRC to produce Accounts for Partner Entities. FRC can selectively trim the information provided at Partner levels of Materiality to provide a second view of the data at BEIS levels of Materiality. Annex is also used to collect Non-TB data at BEIS levels of Materiality. This allows the BEIS Accounts to be produced. This forms part of a clear, auditable process which is understood by the NAO. It also provides a quality control that gives FRC comfort over the accuracy of the data. This guidance is intended to be a step-by-step guide on the submission and approval processes to be undertaken by group officials. If you or any of your colleagues have issues with this guidance or the submission process, please contact your group’s FRC account manager in the first instance, who should be able to assist.
How the App works The Annex App has been updated to allow FRC and group colleagues to configure in advance which screens require completion by a particular group, to streamline the completion and review process. Therefore if you know there will be a nil return for an area, you can effectively ‘switch off’ the requirement to do so. The app is then designed to walk you through each of the data entry screens that do require information to be submitted, in a logical order. Data should be entered either through copying and pasting data, or by directly typing in to the websheet. Where you intend to copy and paste data, please ensure that the information is copied in the same format as the receiving data entry screen. If you need to make amendments, or visit other screens, this functionality is also available to you. Information can be edited and managed as often as necessary prior to submission. EPM will retain information entered, but not submitted. The next few slides are designed to walk you through the upload and approval process.
Accessing Annex Login & Homepage Accessing the Annex app is easy… >
Go to Click the EPM logo in centre of screen Enter username (epm\username) Enter password The EPM Main Menu page will appear Messages which you should read are on the right hand side. Before going in to the Annex App we will take a look at some of the other options on the Homepage 5
Accessing Annex – BEIS Users Opening the Annex App
Accessing the Annex app is easy… > If you are a BEIS Group or FRC user click on Financial Accounts button (You may have fewer Apps visible, depending on your security rights)
Accessing Annex – Partner Organisations Opening Annex
Accessing Annex is easy… > If you are within BEIS groups please select on Core Non-TB button If you are partner organisation please select Partner Non-TB button 9 10
Annex Homepage Most users will only ever need one of the links below since, after accessing one link, you will be able to navigate to the others within the App. 1. Click on Non-TB Sections Required.
Review Sections Required
For BEIS Groups the Sections Required will have been set by FRC. These sections are the equivalent of the categories formerly included in numbered core annexes. This screen allows an Org Unit to : Say that they want to contribute figures to an additional Section because they have data to contribute of which FRC was not aware. Give an Explanation for a Nil Return which must be at least 10 characters (If the Section is an FRC only Section, then this is defaulted to ‘FRC’). Please review the Guidelines given on the websheet. We will take you through them on the following screens.
Select Organisational Unit
To select the Organisational Unit (an ‘Organisational Unit’ is EPM / UCOA language for a Group or Directorate or Partner Organisation.) Click the pull down Select the Organisational Unit that you need. This may be a Group, or a Directorate for Groups that want to submit at that level, or a Partner Entity. Click OK to confirm your selection. Click Refresh to see the data for that Org Unit. 1 2 4 3
Persistence of Selections
Once you select an Organisational Unit, that Organisational Unit will be automatically selected when you next login or move to another screen. Therefore if you only ever work on one Group or Directorate, you may only ever need to select your BEIS Group or Directorate from the Organisational Unit list once. Technical explanation: The reason that the Group Name has ‘_Input’ at the end of it, is because you are really entering into the first Cost Centre below the first Directorate. We therefore needed to add _Input to ensure that the name was unique and could not be confused with the real Group consolidation.
Select Cycle The Cycle displayed will default to the Current ‘Annex’ Cycle (e.g. P9 for interim accounts, P12 for year end accounts). There should be no need to change this. If you want to look at a previous cycle, you can change the selection in the same way as you did for Organisational Unit. The Cycle you select will not persist. It will return to the Current Annex Cycle on the next screen.
Marking Sections as Required
Scroll down the list of Sections. If a Section does not have a Green cell with a ‘1’ marked against it to say that it is required by FRC or that it is required due to a related TB entry, but you do have data for that Section, then enter a ‘1’ to override ‘not required ‘ to ‘required’. You can expand and collapse the list of Sections by clicking on the ‘-’ sign to the left of the Section title. 1
Providing an Explanation for a Nil Return
If you do not believe that a section which has been marked as ‘Required by FRC’ or a ‘Required due to a value in the TB’ is relevant to your Org Unit then you can provide an ‘Explanation for a Nil Return’ which must be at least 10 characters long. Once you have added the explanation, press Enter. Click Refresh, and then you will see the ‘Final indication of required (1=Yes)’ set to zero (0 = No) and it will go red. FRC will review the explanations, and will contact you with any queries. 2 1
Launch the Personal To Do List for Org Unit
When you have finished reviewing which Sections are / are not required, click here. 1
Non TB Personal To Do List for Org Unit
This screen shows you which Sections are required for the selected Org Unit, and the stage the Section has reached. There is a ‘To Do list’ associated with each Stage. The purple FRC Adjustment columns on the right are only relevant to FRC and will not be visible to Partner or Group users. If you would like to understand more about their purpose please contact your FRC account manager. Certain Sections that are only relevant for FRC will only appear on To Do Lists for FRC users. Please contact FRC if you would like to know what these sections are. A Section will not appear on the To Do List for your Org Unit if you have submitted or approved it at an earlier Stage. It must be approved by a different user. A Section will not appear on the To Do list if someone else has, for example, already contributed and submitted and you do not have access rights to approve. A Section will not appear on the To Do list if it was marked as Not Required on the previous screen. If you want to see all Sections tick the Show All Sections box and click Refresh Click
Selecting a Section on the Personal To Do List
Click on the green cell for the Section on which you want to take Action. Click the ‘Contribute/Review button. 2 1
Non Trial Balance Data Capture sheet
The Data Capture sheet for the selected Org Unit and Section will appear. The example below shows the Grant in Aid Section. By clicking on the ‘Sections Required’ or ‘Personal To Do List’ buttons, you can return to the previous two screens. However, the App has been designed so that once you reach this screen you can do everything you need to enter data for any Org Unit and Section combination on this one sheet. The progress overview button will give you a summary of current state of each Section for the Org Unit.
Dealing with narrow cells - 1
Depending on monitor resolution, browser settings, etc., you may not be able to see the full contents of a cell such as Instructions. To see the full contents, just double click the cell. Click
Dealing with narrow cells - 2
For cells to the right of the Freeze Panes point Click in the cell Click the Auto Fit Selected Column Width toolbar button. 2 The column will then be resized to fit the text. 1
Entering Data 1 Depending on the Section Type in some cases you will need to enter in the Line Name column and in other cases this will be fixed. You can only enter data in to White Cells. Grey Cells are fixed and not editable In this case we have entered data into the Line Name column at the base level but the Total and Intermediate consolidations have fixed Line Names. As we enter values, they are automatically added to the ‘total’ grey cell when we click Refresh When entering values, press Enter on your keyboard, or if you are past the Freeze Panes point, press Tab to go to the next column. The value will initially appear green, but when you click the Refresh button it is sent into the underlying TM1 database, and the text will go black.
Entering Data 2 After clicking Refresh, the entered text that was in green goes black and all calculated cells, such as the All Lines total are updated. Annex
Submitting a Section for a group- 1
To Submit data for FD approval, go to the pull down list alongside Select Action and select the ‘Submit’ option. Click the ‘Take Action’ Button. Following this action you will no longer be able to amend the data. If you need to amend data that has not yet been approved at FD level, please ask your Approver to reject it. You will then be able to make changes and re-submit. If you do not have the rights to submit data, or someone has already submitted this combination, the Submit option will not appear 1 2
Submitting a Section for a group - 2
Upon submission you will see the confirmation dialog box. Click OK: If the process failed, you will get a dialog box telling you that it failed and then the Message section on the screen will explain the reason for the failure. If the reason for failure is not clear, please contact the service desk or your FRC account manager.
Auto-Advance to next Section
When you Submit one section the app will automatically advance to the next section on your Personal To Do List for Contribution. If there are no more Sections then the Message line will tell you this. 1 2
Skipping a Section If you don’t currently have the data ready for a section you can skip to the next one on your Personal To Do list by clicking here. Or by clicking here on the Take Action with Next Section selected (although this option will display the success dialog box) 1 1 2 2
Selecting from a different To Do List
The pull down list alongside Selection option will default to Next for Contribution. If you want to look at Org Unit and Section combinations on a different To Do List, select it from the list, then click Select 1
Reviewing and Approving
Note that the user is now a different user with rights to act at the FD Approval stage. The list of Actions no longer has Submit but instead has Approve and Reject When you select a different To Do List, e.g. Next for FD Approval, and click Select, it will automatically go to the first Section on that To Do List. Review the figures and if you are happy, on the Select Action list, select Approve and click Take Action. 1 2
Rejecting a Section There are several things to note in this example.
The Selection Option is Next for FD Approval Select Reject and Click Take Action. 1 3 2
Result of Rejecting a Section
You will see that the Stage has been set back to Contribution so the contributor can amend the figures. There is a message saying that there are no more Sections for this stage because there are now no longer any Sections at the FD Approval stage. Change the option to Next for Contribution and click Select. 3 1 2
Changing back to Next for Contribution
As you changed the To Do List option the first Section for Contribution is shown.
Selecting a specific section - 1
Having the next item on the To Do List appearing is what we want most of the time, but what if we want to review a previous Section? From the pull down list alongside ‘Choose option’, select Specific Selection and click Select. The green cells for selecting Cycle and Section will appear. 1
Selecting a specific section - 2
Click the pull down list for Section Select a Section and Click OK 1 2
Selecting a specific section - 3
Click Select The Selected Section is now shown. The same process can be used to look at a previous Cycle (although you can only make changes to the current Cycle). 1
Making Specific Selections – 4
One thing to note, if you have the Selection Option set to Specific Selection, and you then take an Action such as Submit, then the sheet will remain on that Section. It will not advance to the Next Section. To make it do that, you need to change the Selection Option to the appropriate To Do List, e.g. Next for Contribution.
Security Most Sections have four stages of approval – Contribution, FD Approval, FRC First Approval and FRC Final Approval. This represents a key control in the data submission process. The ‘FRC Sections’ are those entered by FRC directly which only have two stages. In addition to the standard stages, FRC have the ability to submit Adjustments / Overrides, which prevents further amendments by the Groups/Partners once an Adjustment / Override has been submitted. Security controls determine at which Stages a user can take action. FRC users are able to take action on Contribution and First Approval Stages as well as their own later Stages to allow data to be entered when the process requires FRC to act on behalf of Groups or Partner Entities. Security also regulates who has access to the BEIS Groups, to prevent submitters entering data to an incorrect field. The Grid on the next slide gives further information
Work Flow # Stage BEIS Group Role FRC Sections Entry into Action 1
Open AFBP/FBP FRC HEO/SEO Entered Submit 2 FD Approval Deputy Director N/A No Entry Approve Reject – back to Open 3 FRC First Approval 4 FRC Final Approval FRC G7 (Sends to CNTB) 5 Fully Approved Reset – back to Open 6 FRC Adjustment Adjustment / Override 7 FRC Adjustment Approval Approve (Sends to the CNTB) 8 FRC Adjustment Approved
Work Flow Restrictions
For a particular Organisation Unit and Section combination, if someone has acted on an earlier Stage, then they cannot also act on a later Stage. For example, if someone was a Contributor on a combination then they cannot also be the FD Approver. Similarly, if someone was the FRC First Stage Approver, they cannot also be the FRC Final Stage Approver. This is to ensure that each combination is reviewed by someone independent. If someone from FRC was e.g. an FRC First Stage Approver, then that same person could submit an adjustment, however, a different person from FRC would need to approve that adjustment.
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