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Use the next slide to answer the following questions:

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Presentation on theme: "Use the next slide to answer the following questions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use the next slide to answer the following questions:
On the left is an ad for the Lusitania. What is the article on the right saying? 2. Who wrote the article on the right?


3 Use the following website to answer questions on the Lusitania:
3. What was the Lusitania? 4. Why was the ship easy for the Germans to sink? 5. Why did the Germans sink the ship? 6. How many Americans were killed.

4 Use the following website to answer questions on the Sussex Pledge:
7. What did the Sussex Pledge promise? 8. Why was Germany forced to issue it? 9. How did the breaking of this pledge help bring America into WWI?

5 Use the next slide to answer the following questions about the Zimmerman Note.
10. Read the letter and summarize what it is saying in a few sentences. 11. Who is the letter from? 12. In a few sentences, summarize why this letter may have compelled America to enter WWI.


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