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Lock, Stock, and Three Smoking Coils: The Electric Musket

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Presentation on theme: "Lock, Stock, and Three Smoking Coils: The Electric Musket"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lock, Stock, and Three Smoking Coils: The Electric Musket
Ryan Eder David Grothe Jason Kamuda Thomas Minor 1 1

2 Introduction Gauss Rifle Features: Charge status/readiness
Three stages Store previous shot records and statistics 2 2

3 Software Status: Modules
Main loop Initializes required peripherals Samples ADCs, pushbuttons, etc. Pushes data out to LCD at 60Hz (tentatively) Handles Flash access Menu/Pushbutton Handler State machine Low-resolution Timer Ticks every 10 ms Sensor interrupts 3 3

4 Main Loop Status: Mostly Written 4 4

5 Menu/Pushbutton Handler
Status: Planning 5 5

6 Low-Resolution Timer Status: Pseudocode 6 6

7 Sensor Interrupt Status: Pseudocode 7 7

8 Hierarchy 8 8

9 External sources/libraries
We aren’t using any third-party sources We are using Microchip’s PIC32 peripheral libraries Just basic functions/macros for ease-of- programming 9 9

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