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Read the following quote, and write a one paragraph reflection

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Presentation on theme: "Read the following quote, and write a one paragraph reflection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read the following quote, and write a one paragraph reflection
Read the following quote, and write a one paragraph reflection. What do you think the quote means? How might it apply to the present day? Reflection should be 3-4 COMPLETE sentences. You have 4 minutes after the bell to complete the assignment. “Irresponsible power is inconsistent with liberty, and must corrupt those who exercise it.” John Calhoun ( )

2 Unit 3B Part 2 Notes: Jackson’s Administration

3 Is it ever ok to force people to move against their will?

4 Jackson died in 1845 He told friends his only regret was that he could never shoot Henry Clay or hang John C. Calhoun


6 John Quincy Adams & the “Corrupt Bargain”
In election of 1824 no one gets a majority the election decided by Congress. Henry Clay supports Adams, and Clay later becomes Sec. of State Jackson cries foul & starts campaigning for 1828.

7 Jacksonian Democracy By 1828 most states removed property qualifications for voting. Now poor white males can vote; who will they vote for?

8 John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Lacked common touch.
Brilliant, but prone self-righteousness. Son of previous president John Adams Andrew Jackson Reputation as a frontiersmen War hero Fought 13 duels, killed a man, and carries a bullet next to his heart


10 The Democratic Party is born….

11 The Frontiersman wins…and rewards his supporters.
Spoils system – a.k.a. patronage. When you win an election you appoint your supporters to government positions.

12 Peggy Eaton Affair Gossip surrounded wife of Sec. of War
Rumors that they had been together while her previous husband was still alive Jackson took her side His wife had also suffered from gossip; he had married her when she was still married to another VP was John C. Calhoun His wife refused to recognize Peggy This drove a wedge between Jackson & Calhoun Also raised the status of Martin van Buren, who stood up for her. He would replace Calhoun.

13 Tariff of 1828 (or Tariff of Abominations)
High tariff on raw materials & British textiles. Crafted by Democrats to discredit J.Q. Adams (who reluctantly signed it) Made Jackson look like a protectionist in the North, & a free trade advocate in the South Southerners despise it (higher prices for them) John C. Calhoun writes “South Carolina Exposition and Protest” & calls for SC to nullify tariff

14 Webster vs. Hayne Debate
Should one part of the nation be allowed to benefit at the expense of another? Turns into a debate on nullification Webster – “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable”

15 The crisis deepens… 1832 -- South Carolina Ordinance
Nullifies the tariff Calhoun resigns as vice president Jackson threatens war sends warships to Charleston & asks Congress for a “Force Bill” authorizing military action to enforce the tariff.

16 “The Great Compromiser” saves the day…
Henry Clay introduces a plan to reduce the tariff over the next few years Jackson upheld Federal supremacy SC got the tariff reduced Civil War is averted for now

17 Trail of Tears Indian Removal Act
Congress orders Amerindian tribes to relocate west of the Mississippi They argued that it was only way to avoid their extinction The Cherokee had adopted American ways (including slavery) Worcester v. Georgia Supreme Court sides w/Cherokee, but Jackson orders army to move tribes anyway “Marshall has made his decision, let him enforce it” 17,000 Cherokee start 800 mile trip to Indian Territory; 8000 make it



20 Jackson destroys the 2nd Bank of U.S.
Frontier voters didn’t like the Bank’s monetary policies felt it was a monopoly controlled by a wealthy few Issue of easier credit & more paper money vs. financial stability.

21 Jackson removes federal money from bank & deposits it in various state (or “pet” banks)
Banks print more money than they can back up; this along with fall in cotton prices causes Panic of 1837

22 1/3 of Americans out of work
1/3 of Americans out of work. Where do the jobless go to get a new start?

23 2nd Party System Various opponents of Jackson form a new party – the Whigs

24 Whig Party Beliefs Use government to help the community (American System). Supported public education and scientific advances. Stood for some of the old Federalist values. Also appealed to those wanting social and moral reform.


26 The Whigs learn from Jackson

27 1840 election Whigs picked a military hero & use the first campaign slogan “Tippecanoe & Tyler Too” Promoted image of “log cabin & hard cider”


29 Harrison gave a long inaugural speech in the rain
Longest inaugural speech on record He caught pneumonia, and died one month later. Curse of Tecumseh

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