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Substitute Plans: Thompson 10/30/12

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1 Substitute Plans: Thompson 10/30/12
2nd Per.: Honors World Literature Options: 1. Learning Center work 2. IRB Work (binder, journal, annotations) 3. Research Paper Components 4. Debate Prep. For Wednes. (final remarks: Apple Vs. Samsung; Mandatory Attendance; Jason H.) *Feel free to allow students to go to the library in shifts of 5 (they will each need their own individual pass)…it’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable allowing this because they will be in the library tomorrow.*

2 Homework ** Learning Center Work…See Group Leader for Individual Deadlines ** Mon.-Tues., Oct : Persuasive Speech or Debate (Professional Dress)…Wednes.: final remarks from Apple Vs. Samsung; School Attendance; Jason H.) Wednes., Oct Error-free intro paragraph (need not have documentation) & Error-free sample body paragraph with documentation (attach any revisions on which you did not receive points) (Oct. 31…Revised resumes due; include previously-graded resumes and rubrics) Literary Circle/IRB Work Due Oct. 31: 32 Correctly-completed IRB Journal Entries/Annotated IRB Due Oct. 31: Neatly Organized/Typed (except illustrations)/All Work Included for Lit. Circle Meetings 2-8  Due Thurs., Nov.1: Mentor Hours Log & Mentor Verification & Evaluation (must be faxed by Mentor) Fri., Nov SP Research Paper Rough draft. Must meet minimum length requirement (~1500 words). Mon.-Tues., Nov. 5-6 : SP Research Paper: proof of Peer Editing: Rough Draft of Outline, Research Paper and Works Cited Nov. 5-15: Senior Project Mock Presentations Thurs., Nov. 8: SP Research Paper: Final draft of your outline, research paper and Works Cited page….and… SP Portfolio Fri., Nov. 9: Meeting in Auditorium (tips and instructions for Boards Night) Nov. 15: SP NIGHT !!! YIPPY Nov. 16: complete survey , return SP Grades and PARTY! **Week of Oct : Peer-Edit Claim/Evidence Paper #3 and Publish-Ready Editing Circles***

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