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Using the GRAPES of Civilization

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Presentation on theme: "Using the GRAPES of Civilization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the GRAPES of Civilization

2 Review Remember the acronym “GRAPES”?
Each letter stands for something important we can describe about a civilization. Using your sheet, let’s review what each letter stands for, and questions we could ask for each letter.

3 Questions to guide our research…
With your partner, take turns reading each of the questions for each letter in GRAPES. Now we will apply our questions, to our civilization in Arizona!

4 The activity Make 6 free-hand grapes on a piece of paper.
Label each for the words that make up GRAPES. Using the Internet, find the answer to at least ONE question from each section of your GRAPES sheet. Write the answer neatly in your poster. If you have time, search other questions and write down the answers in the appropriate grape.

Quiz Tomorrow! Short quiz, 12 questions! You will be given a question based on GRAPES. You need to match it to the correct letter (G, R, A, P, E, or S). STUDY THE QUESTIONS AND LETTERS TONIGHT!

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