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RMAWG MEETING 19-20 June 2012 Brussels DISTRICT BUDGET ADVOCACY By Josiah Otege Policy & Advocacy Officer Marie Stopes Tanzania.

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Presentation on theme: "RMAWG MEETING 19-20 June 2012 Brussels DISTRICT BUDGET ADVOCACY By Josiah Otege Policy & Advocacy Officer Marie Stopes Tanzania."— Presentation transcript:

1 RMAWG MEETING 19-20 June 2012 Brussels DISTRICT BUDGET ADVOCACY By Josiah Otege Policy & Advocacy Officer Marie Stopes Tanzania

2 CONTENT Overview of MST What is a district Overview of the district budget MSTs study Trends Implications

3 OVERVIEW OF MST I.Marie Stopes Tanzania (MST) is an affiliate of Marie Stopes International II.12 clinics; 16 outreach teams; 6 auto- rickshaws III.Working in Tanzania since 1989 IV.Largest private sector provider of FP services; 27% of market for LAPM

4 WHAT IS A DISTRICT National government Regional Govt District Govt

5 OVER VIEW OF THE DISTRICT BUDGET ADVOCACY A product of various guidelines(National targets, MoF ceilings,MoH guidelines,National priorities etc.) Districts lack their own resources District approving bodies (Executives, Councilors) have the power to revise/refute the budget within the allocation set by MoH/MoF Most of its funding come from donor –basket fund

6 OVER VIEW OF THE DISTRICT BUDGET ADVOCACY MST received funds from PAI in February 2012 to conduct a survey in 10 districts to examine FP budget trends. Data from 2 FY years: 2010/11-2011/12 In TZ FY runs July-June. This not usual for most countries. Results are Provisional not published yet Showed small increase in the FP budget but high dependency on donor funding Trends similar to the national health budgets in the EA region.

7 TRENDS FP/Health budget has been increasing though small and unstable (data From 10 District)

8 TRENDS Confirms findings from an earlier study in 40 districts by EngenderHealth

9 TRENDS Similar trends are seen in national health budgets in the region, e.g. Tanzania 1998-2012

10 Trends By source of Funding ( District level ) 10 district 40 district

11 IMPLICATIONS/OBSERVATIONS Districts have very little bargaining power to prioritize their budget/needs. Other issues (e.g. malaria, HIV/AIDS) receive more attention, so FP budget needs a separate budget line and funding from district resources. To facilitate this, and do budget tracking, we need advocates within district authorities as well as local partners (e.g. CBOs) to raise the profile of FP at district level.

12 Evidence of the impact of FP spending on health and economic development is needed for advocacy with national and local governments. Advocacy should involve stakeholders including the media, the private sector and religious leaders to help mobilise resources. How do we increase the profile and priority for FP compared with HIV, malaria, etc.? IMPLICATIONS/OBSERVATIONS


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