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Statistics Function Implementation

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1 Statistics Function Implementation
Traditional Programming Approach Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

2 function minimum, x n = n_elements(x) answer = x(0)
for i=1L, n-1 do begin if( answer gt x(i) ) then $ answer = x(i) endfor return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

3 function sum, x n = n_elements( x ) answer = 0
for i = 0, n-1 do begin answer = answer + x(i) endfor return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

4 Overflow Problems What if the array is an integer array?
Sums will have a maximum limit based on the number of bits specified by the integer type. Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

5 Corrected function sum, x n = n_elements( x ) answer = 0.0D
for i = 0L, n-1 do begin answer = answer + x(i) endfor return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

6 function mean, x n = n_elements(x) answer = sum(x) / n
return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

7 Integer Problems IDL> b=9/5 IDL> print,b 1 Winter Quarter 2005
Rolando V. Raqueño

8 Integer Problems IDL> b=9/double(5) IDL> print,b 1.8000000
Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

9 Corrected function mean, x n = n_elements(x)
answer = sum(x) / double(n) return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

10 function sum_squares, x squares = x^2.0
answer= sum( squares ) return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

11 function variance, x n = double(n_elements(x))
answer=(sum_squares(x)-(sum(x)^2.0/n))/ (n-1) return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

12 function sd, x answer = sqrt(variance(x)) return, answer end
Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

13 Debugging in IDL Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

14 Basic IDL Debugging Commands
breakpoint .step (.s) .stepover (.so) .continue .return .out Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

15 10 ;- 11 ; 12 function mean,x 13 n = n_elements(x)
10 ;- 11 ; 12 function mean,x 13 n = n_elements(x) 14 answer = sum(x)/double(n) 15 return, answer 16 end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

16 Set/Clear Breakpoint Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

17 Enable/Disable Breakpoint
Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

18 Edit breakpoints Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

19 Breakpoints IDL> breakpoint, ‘’, 12
IDL> help,/breakpoint Breakpoints: Index Module Line File 0 MEAN IDL> breakpoint, /clear, 0 OR IDL> breakpoint, /clear, ‘’, 12 Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

20 .step Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

21 .step Used after a breakpoint is reached Single step through commands
If statement is a function or procedure Will enter into it After a breakpoint is reached, you can single step through each statement using the .step command If the next statement is a function or procedure, the .step command will enter that module and allow you to step through each statement Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

22 .stepover Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

23 .stepover Similar to .step
Executes functions and procedures to completion without stopping inside the function Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

24 .out Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

25 .out Continues execution out of the current routine.
Useful in leaving a routine that you stepped into, but have determined that all is working properly and want to return to the calling routine. Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

26 .return sqrt(variance(x))
Continues execution until a return statement is encountered. Useful in checking the return value of an inner (nested) function in a function composition e.g. sqrt(variance(x)) Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

27 10 ;- 11 ; 12 function mean,x 13 n = n_elements(x)
10 ;- 11 ; 12 function mean,x 13 n = n_elements(x) 14 answer = sum(x)/double(n) 15 return, answer 16 end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

28 Navigating the stack Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

29 Internally Documenting Your IDL Routines
Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

30 IDL_PATH environment variable
setenv IDL_DIR /cis/common/rsi/idl_5 setenv IDL_PATH \+$IDL_DIR/lib:\+$IDL_DIR/examples: \+/dirs/common/rsi/idl_5:\+/dirs/common/lib/idl :~/lib/idl Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

31 Use the following template for IDL documentation
/cis/common/rsi/idl_5.5/examples/ ;+ ; NAME: ; PURPOSE: ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; PROCEDURE: ; EXAMPLE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Your name here, Date. ; July, Any additional mods get described here. ;- Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

32 doc_library example ;+ ; The following routine computes the mean
; of an arbitrary sized array ; ; $Header$ ; $Log$ ;- function mean,x ... Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

33 Executing doc_library
IDL> doc_library Name of procedure or * for all: mean Enter 1 for printer, 0 for terminal: 0 ----- Documentation for /cis/staff/rvrpci/lib/idl/statistics/ ----- The following routine computes the mean of an arbitrary sized array Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

34 Executing doc_library
$Header: /nfs/cis/staff/rvrpci/lib/idl/statistics/RCS/,v /01/13 15:44:47 rvrpci Exp $ $Log:,v $ Revision /01/13 15:44:47 rvrpci Initial revision Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

35 More updated help feature
mk_html_help routine Comment your routines in a given directory using the template describe previously Give the mk_html_help command with agruments for directory of routines to convert to name of html file IDL> mk_html_help,’.’,’stats.html’ Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

36 Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

37 Figuring out where to optimize your code
Code Profiling in IDL Figuring out where to optimize your code Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

38 PROFILER Command in IDL
Allows you to gather statistics where your program is spending the most time Guides you to the routine that needs the most optimization Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

39 Let’s take the sum example
; Scalar Approach function sum, x n = n_elements(x) answer = x[0] for i=1L, n-1 do begin answer = answer + x[i] endfor return, answer end ; Vector Approach function sum, x n = n_elements(x) a = reform(x,n) answer = a ## transpose(replicate(1.0, n)) return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

40 Sample test program for profile analysis
pro test_profiler a = findgen(100) for i = 1, 100 do begin print, i s = sum( a ) s2 = sum_squares( a ) m = mean( a ) v = variance( a ) sd = standard_deviation( a ) endfor end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

41 function sum, x n = n_elements( x ) answer = 0.0
for i = 0L, n-1 do begin answer = answer + x(i) endfor return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

42 function sum, x n = n_elements( x ) a = reform( x, n)
answer=a##transpose(replicate(1.0,n)) return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

43 Using Matrix Multiplication
reform ## = transpose(replicate(1.0,n)) Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

44 function sum_squares, x squares = x^2.0
answer= sum( squares ) return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

45 function sum_squares, x n = n_elements( x )
a = reform( x, n) answer = a ## transpose(a) return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

46 Using Matrix Multiplication
reform ## = Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

47 To Profile Your Code Compile (and run) all the routines you want to analyze At the IDL prompt (or through the GUI), invoke the profiler IDL> profiler Run your code Output the report using IDL> profiler, /report Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

48 Interpreting the Profile report
MODULE Name of routine TYPE U = user-defined function S = system-defined function COUNT Number of times a function has been called since the invocation of the “profiler” command Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

49 ONLY Time Statistic in Profile Report
Time spent in the function ONLY Calls made to other functions from within this function are not part of this value AVERAGE Average of the time spent ONLY in this function for all the calls made so far Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

50 TIME Statistic in Profile Report
Cumulative time spent in a given routine including subsequent calls to other functions AVERAGE Average of TIME for all the calls made so far Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

51 Result of initial profile
IDL> profiler,/report Module Type Count Only(s) Avg.(s) Time(s) Avg.(s) MEAN (U) STANDARD_DEVIATION (U) SUM (U) SUM_SQUARES (U) TEST_PROFILER (U) VARIANCE (U) Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

52 Result of vector sum routine
IDL> profiler,/report Module Type Count Only(s) Avg.(s) Time(s) Avg.(s) MEAN (U) STANDARD_DEVIATION (U) SUM (U) SUM_SQUARES (U) TEST_PROFILER (U) VARIANCE (U) SCALAR RESULTS SUM (U) Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

53 Let’s take the sum_squares example
; Scalar Approach function sum_squares, x answer = sum(x^2) return, answer end ; Vector Approach function sum_squares, x n = n_elements(x) a = reform(x,n) answer = a ## transpose(a) return, answer end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

54 Profile report of vectorized sum_squares function
IDL> profiler,/report Module Type Count Only(s) Avg.(s) Time(s) Avg.(s) MEAN (U) STANDARD_DEVIATION (U) SUM (U) SUM_SQUARES (U) TEST_PROFILER (U) VARIANCE (U) SCALAR RESULTS SUM_SQUARES (U) Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

55 Use this as an exercise to become familiar with profiling techniques
What is the performance difference between the scalar and vector implementation of RECT? Use this as an exercise to become familiar with profiling techniques Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

56 Profile the Rect Function
VECTOR FORM function rect, x answer=x ax=abs(x) gt_half=where(ax gt 0.5,n_gt) eq_half=where(ax eq 0.5,n_eq) lt_half=where(ax lt 0.5,n_lt) if (n_gt ne 0) then answer(gt_half)=0.0 if (n_eq ne 0) then answer(eq_half)=0.5 if (n_lt ne 0) then answer(lt_half)=1.0 return, answer end SCALAR FORM function rect, x, x0, b a = abs( (x-x0)/b ) if(a gt 0.5)then return, 0.0 if(a lt 0.5)then return, 1.0 if(a eq 0.5)then return, 0.5 end Winter Quarter 2005 Rolando V. Raqueño

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