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Building 1600 Business, Computer Application Systems Electronic Systems Technology, Entrepreneurship, Fire Technology, Machine Tool Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Building 1600 Business, Computer Application Systems Electronic Systems Technology, Entrepreneurship, Fire Technology, Machine Tool Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building 1600 Business, Computer Application Systems Electronic Systems Technology, Entrepreneurship, Fire Technology, Machine Tool Technology

2 Business Administration Business department offers 4 degrees, and 19 certificates We consistently award over 100 degrees and certificates each year. Business is the 2 nd most popular transfer major in Chabot right behind Liberal Arts; but is ranked number 1 and 2 among the AS degrees (#1 with AS in Business, #2 with AS in Accounting) We serve over 2,500 students per semester, or around 5,500 students per academic year (including summer). Business offers around 60 class sections per term, which makes us the 4 th largest discipline on campus. The discipline has consistently generated high productivity with a staggering average of 653 WSCH/FTEF in the period of Fall 2010 to Summer of 2013.

3 Computer Application Systems CAS offers 2 degrees, and 4 certificates We serve over 1100 students per semester Only one computer classroom (Room 1611) also serves as a lab for all CAS students. Room 1611 is also used to teach CAS courses specifically designed for disabled students. Only one computer station designated for a disabled student. The discipline is very productive that has an average of 676 WSCH/FTEF CAS classes are required for many non-CAS program Many Business degrees and certificates AA degree in Medical Assisting General Education unit for AS degree

4 Building 1600 Problems/Issues ADA compliance is a joke Inadequate and outdated wiring is a fire hazard Old unused TV is still hanging from the ceilings (or the brackets are still here) Dirty and holely walls, dirty and torn carpets, poor circulations, Chemicals left from photograph is a health issue Half torn or missing window coverings Antiquated equipment and furniture for both teachers and students




8 C R E A T I V I T Y or ??







15 S T O R A G E transform S T U D Y A R E A

16 S T O R A G E Transform S T U D Y A R E A



19 M U S E U M S OF C H A I R S

20 M U S E U M S OF C H A I R S

21 Requesting $2 Millions Built-in computers in desks that can be raised or lowered so classrooms can be used both for lecture and for computer labs to accommodate accounting classes which have lab components as well as for additional CAS labs. Real ADA compliance workstations in labs/classrooms. Our students need exposure to the latest presentation and communications technology, as they will use this in their future careers. New wiring, paint, floor and window coverings Remove/clean up the old photography area and remodel the bathrooms Convert the many storage rooms/closets to study spaces and small group collaboration spaces to enhance student learning.

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