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2 Shigella cause bacillary dysentery
There are two types of dysentery They are : a) Amoebic dysentery b) Bacillary dysentery

3 Incubation period is long Insidious onset Local abdominal tenderness
AMOEBIC DYSENTERY BACILLARY DYSENTERY Incubation period is long Insidious onset Local abdominal tenderness Moderate tenesmus Fever absent Short Sudden onset Generalised severe present

4 Stool consists of blood,mucus,necrotic cells&feacal matter
Frequency less Volume copious Blood,mucus,hardly any fecal matter More Small

5 LAB DIAGNOSIS Numerous Discrete not agglutinated Absent Few pus cells
AMOEBIC DYSENTERY BACILLARY DYSENTERY MICROSCOPY Few pus cells RBC agglutinated Trophozoites present Charcoat layden crystals present Numerous Discrete not agglutinated Absent

6 Bacilli not demonstrated in stool culture
Mild leucocytosis in blood smear Serum agglutination negative Can be demonstrated Marked leukocytosis positive

7 Source-infected human beings Mode of transmission
Direct Fomites Water Contaminated food Flies In young male homosexuals

8 Minimum infective dose is low
Pathogenecity resemble that of EIEC

9 MECHANISM OF ACTION. Bacilli infect the epithelial cells of villi in LI multiplication Inflammatory reaction with capillary thrombosis Necrosis of epithelial cells

Sh.dysenteriae type 1 forms an exotoxin. CONGO RED BINDING TEST. VIRULENCE MARKERS ANTIGENS Virulence test.


12 Incubation period-1 to 7 days. SYMPTOMS
Frequent passage of loose scanty stools containing blood & mucus Abdominal cramps Tenesmus Fever & vomiting

13 In severe cases- bacteremia
COMPLICATIONS. Arthritis Toxic neuritis Conjunctivitis Parotitis HUS

14 Severity ranges from mild diarrhoea to acute fulminating dysentery
The whole spectrum of infection is termed as SHIGELLOSIS. Of 10,000 people ingested with Sh.flexneri 25% asymptomatic 25% transient fever 25%fever with watery diarrhoea 25% typical dysentery


16 Epidemics always accompanies wars,poverty,lack of sanitation.
Source-humans Cases Less often carriers

17 ASYLUM DYSENTERY. In USA North-Sh.sonnei South-Sh.flexneri.

18 In INDIA ,all age groups Flexneri 50-85% Dysentriae 8-25% Sonnei 2-24% Boydii 0-8%

19 In recent years,suddenly Sh. Dysentriae became virulent epidemic form.


21 Diagnosis depends on isolating bacilli from feaces. 1. SPECIMENS
Diagnosis depends on isolating bacilli from feaces.. 1.SPECIMENS. -fresh stool -rectal swab -ideal specimen -direct swab of an ulcer.

22 2.TRANSPORT. Sach’s buffered glycerol saline. 3.DIRECT MICROSCOPY. Saline & Iodine preparations. 4.CULTURE. MacConkey’s agar DCA

NLF Gram negative Motility 6.BIOCHEMICAL REACTIONS. Urease,citrate,H2S,KCN-negative. 7.SLIDE AGGLUTINATION


25 Uncomplicated shigellosis-self limiting.
Dehydration has to be corrected in infants and children Antibacterial treatment not indicated In severe cases-nalidixic acid,norfloxacin,other flouroquinolones.

26 PREVENTION General prophylaxis. Chemoprophylaxis. Immunoprophylaxis.

27 Thank you

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