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1905 – 1914: The Troubled Years.

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1 1905 – 1914: The Troubled Years

2 The Duma Tsar Nicholas II needed to reform Russia to prevent another revolution 1906: First Duma meeting held hope Duma had no power to override Tsar veto 1907: Tsar changed voting rules to remove opponents (only aristocrats and wealthy citizens could vote) ‘Loyal’ Duma held which gave no representation to population By 1912 even ‘Loyal’ Duma critical Had no power to change Tsar’s policies Criticism alone was no threat to Tsar

3 Stolypin In 1906 Tsar N2 fired Witte as Prime Minister and promoted Peter Stolypin Witte had set in motion industrialisation but was very unpopular. Stolypin used ‘stick & carrot’ approach to the problems of Russia Stick: Oppressed strikers, protestors, revolutionaries 20,000+ exiled, 1,000+ hanged (‘Stolypin’s necktie’) Successfully reduced opposition through 1914

4 Stolypin The carrot: Assassinated by revolutionary in 1911
Increased production in factories and on farms. Planned to offer basic education for peasants & workers Planned to create work-safety codes for factory workers Assassinated by revolutionary in 1911 Tsar, influenced by landlords and his court, planned on firing him anyway, because he was changing Russia too much for the Tsar’s tastes Tsar ordered investigation into Stolypin’s assassination halted … hmm

5 Agricultural & Industrial Production: 1890-1913
Million tons These figures were compiled by the Tsar’s Ministry of Trade and Industry

6 1,337,458 3,534 1914 887,096 2,404 1913 725,491 2,032 1912 105,110 466 1911 46,623 222 1910 64,166 340 1909 176,101 892 1908 740,074 3,573 1907 1,108,406 6,114 1906 2,863,173 13,995 1905 Year Strikes Strikers What does the above table suggest about working peoples’ attitudes to the Tsar’s regime?

7 After Stolypin 1912: Economy turned down
Unemployment & hunger Gov’t tried to measures to quell unrest Practiced discrimination against Jews, Muslims, other minorities (popular move) 1913: Brief pause in unrest due to tri- centennial celebrations Afterward, unrest increased, especially among workers Lena gold field strikes saw troops shooting workers Let those in power make no mistake about the mood of the people .. Never were the Russian people … so profoundly revolutionized by the actions of the government, for day to day, faith in the government is steadily waning …” Guchkov, conservative Duma member, 1913

8 Rasputin Worst evidence of Tsar’s incompetence was promotion of dangerous figure to power Gregory Yefimovich, aka Rasputin Gained influence by stopping Tsar’s son’s hemophilia through hypnosis Freely gave advise on running Russia Drunkard & womanizer Rasputin means ‘disreputable’ Tsar’s opponents seized on Rasputin as example of Tsar’s unfitness to rule Tsar’s ignoring of the growing calls for Rasputin’s removal demonstrates how Tsar either didn’t know or didn’t care about people’s concerns

9 Russian cartoon showing how Rasputin influenced the Tsar’s court.
A Russian cartoon. The caption reads: ‘The Russian Tsars at home.’

10 Focus Task: How well was Russia governed in 1914?
Here are five characteristics you might expect of a good government: Trying to improve the lives of its people Building up its agriculture and industry Listening to and responding to its population Running the country efficiently Defending the country from enemies On a scale from 1 to 5, say how well you think the Tsarist government did on each one up to Explain your reason for that score. Now make a list of the successes and failures of the Tsarist government up to 1914. Which of the following assessments do you most agree with? By 1913 the government was: In crisis Strong but with some serious weaknesses Secure with only minor weaknesses A Cossack soldier

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