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Presentation on theme: "THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION"— Presentation transcript:

In this lecture, the left hand column of two column notes will appear in red; the right side in yellow.

2 Industrial Revolution
The movement, begun in England, from slower, more expensive production by hand to quicker, less costly production by machine…

3 …from work at home to work in the factory and the effect of machinery upon humanity.

4 Entrepreneurs Devised systems for financing, production, and trade.
Adam Smith led the push for an end to government restrictions on trade and commerce. (Wealth of Nations 1776)

5 Entrepreneurs advocated…
Private ownership Free enterprise Profit motive Competition Market economy

6 Lead to the growth of big business and international marketplace of the late 19th century.

7 Rise of the Middle and Working Classes
Due to industrialization Grew in number and wealth Desired influence The battle for expanded democracy would lead to…

8 The extension of the suffrage
Rise in new political parties Changes in old political parties Citizenry informed by a growing mass media

9 The transportation systems of industrialized nations would have to increase as the need for large quantities of raw materials increases…

10 …because the needs of mass or international markets can only be met if there is a way to get products to those markets

11 Industry creates financial strength
It also creates military power New weapons will evolve from industrialization:


13 People expected their present and future to be a repetition of their feudal, agrarian past.

14 What they got was a dynamic world of speed and opportunity with an increased supply of goods and foodstuffs, and the advancement of medical science to lengthen life.

15 URBANIZATION The movement of people to and the building of cities.

16 The lure of cities was jobs
Eventually, social and cultural opportunities move to the cities as well But…

17 It was the improved transportation system that allowed these multitudes to be in the cities and receive needed goods easier.

18 The Effect of Industrialization on Women
Moved from taking care of the home to working in a factory or office During the late 19th century, these women will organize the feminist movement

19 From Agrarian to Urban Responsibilities of families in agrarian Europe: 1. Provide, no matter how meager, an economic base for the family

20 2. Provide some basic education which was often neglected

21 Changes The work day began to shorten from hours a day to 7-8 hours a day. Result: more leisure time Cultural, recreational, or educational interests could be pursued.

22 Residual Effects of Industrialization
Educated children could escape the labor market Free public education begins Slavery will be abolished Missionary services expanded

23 Care for sick or wounded soldiers will be established

24 Treatment for the insane
Prison and prisoner reform will begin

25 Philanthropy will greatly expand

26 Problems Caused by Industrialization
Wages low Discontent among workers will rise Hours, at first, will be long Children, from the age of 5, and women held unsafe, unsanitary jobs in factories and mines

27 The uneducated masses soon faced unemployment as technology improved the speed and quality of the manufacturing process

28 How could a worker escape the threat of unemployment?
Only workers with the skill to operate the new machines, looms, and engines, could be secure from unemployment.


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