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Agenda item 12: Update of EU birds list

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1 Agenda item 12: Update of EU birds list
Rob Pople, for Ecosystems LTD THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

2 Background (1/2) Need for list of “all species of naturally occurring birds in the wild state” [Art. 1, Birds Directive] in the EU 1999 version EU15 Taxonomy / nomenclature following Voous (1973, 1977) Alternative version following Sibley & Monroe (1990) Single list with both regularly occurring and vagrant spp. (with status/occurrence codes) Annex with 15 introduced spp. with an “established breeding population” (defined as “more than 100 breeding pairs for more than ten years”).

3 Background (2/2) 2015 update EU28
Taxonomy / nomenclature following BirdLife/HBW/IUCN (2014), including changes in del Hoyo & Collar (2014) Comparisons with Voous, Sibley & Monroe, IOC (v.3.5), Clements (v.6.8) and Howard & Moore (v.3) Four sheets: Category A (regular), Cat. A (vagrant), Cat. B (pre-1950) and Cat. C (introduced) Indication of migratory status at EU level Listings on, e.g., BD annexes, CMS, AEWA, AEMLAP, etc. - Further details of 2015 update provided in Doc Ornis 14-04/09- Annex I: - Criteria for inclusion in ‘Cat C (introduced)’ sheet seemingly broadened to all species (n = 32) included in Category C on national list(s) of one or more Member State (without assessment of size of breeding population?).

4 Current update (1/2) Update of sequence, taxonomy and nomenclature of passerines, following del Hoyo & Collar (2016) Few updates to Cat. A (vagrant) and Cat. C sheets Update of IUCN global Red List categories (Dec 2016) and addition of column for EU27 Red List (2015) New “Reason for change (2015 vs 2018)” column Few corrections / updates to, e.g., BD / CMS listings Update of species treatments / names per IOC v.7.2, Clements (v.2016) and Howard & Moore (v.4). Most of work on current (i.e. 2017/8) update carried out in July Primary focus on update of taxonomy and nomenclature, but some other updates and amendments made (as time allowed). Taxonomic and/or nomenclatural updates for 113 spp.: 16 ‘new’ spp. added (7 to Cat. A (regular), 9 to Cat. A (vagrant)); one lumped species removed (from Cat. A (vagrant)); ‘just’ nomenclatural changes (scientific and/or English names) for 96 spp. No time for comprehensive check/update of Cat. A (vagrant) sheet, but five additions and one removal made.

5 Current update (2/2) Draft sent for consultation in February; feedback from seven Member States. Changes to April 2018 version: Correction of few entries in “Occurrence in EU” and “CMS” / “CITES” columns Addition of new “Council Reg. No 338/97” column(s) Seven recently recorded/accepted vagrants added One sp. removed from Cat. B (now Cat. A (vagrant)) Cat. C (introduced) – one sp. added; 7 spp. removed (already in Cat. A or no longer/not Cat. C); update of stated criteria for inclusion (in ‘Read-me’ note). Member States that provided feedback on February 2018 draft: DE, ES, FR, HU, PL, SE & UK. Listings in Annexes of Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein. Cat. C: species now all/only those listed in Cat. C of 1+ Member State, but not in a ‘higher’ category (e.g. Cat. A). Hence, all have “established a self-supporting breeding population” within the EU (even if this may not yet exceed 100 breeding pairs), and each species only listed once on overall EU list.

6 Thank you for your feedback and attention! Any comments or questions?

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