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Teenagers’ problems with the Internet and computers

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Presentation on theme: "Teenagers’ problems with the Internet and computers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teenagers’ problems with the Internet and computers

2 Types of threat: Physical Mental Moral Social Intellectual

3 Physical Using a computer and the Internet leads to: Headaches,
Spinal deformity, Problems with your wrist.

4 Mental Many young people feel safe in computer world. In this world beauty, education and sex are not important. Addicted people have only one friend – their computer .

5 Moral Easy and uncontrolled access to information can be dangerous for children’s moral development. The biggest problem with the Internet is the easy access to pornography. Placing pornography in the Internet leads to perverting young people`s characters.

6 Social Anonymity in the Internet causes unethical behavior.Teenagers like talking online. Dates on the Internet are substitutes to normal interpersonal contacts. Chat rooms are good places for jokers, swindlers and criminals.

7 Intellectual Information technology could have influence on people’s minds.The treatment to this type of addiction is dificult, because the access to computers is common and isolating somebody from a computer is difficult.

8 The Internet addiction may have negative influence on people:
Loss of leisure Limitation of time spent with family and friends Minimal or no engagement in daily family matters Disturbance of contacts with other people

9 Of course, the Internet is also an excellent device for work and education, if you can take a good advantage of it.

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