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9th Grade Classroom Rules and Responsibilities Our goal in applying these rules daily is to establish and maintain a good learning environment. Only behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "9th Grade Classroom Rules and Responsibilities Our goal in applying these rules daily is to establish and maintain a good learning environment. Only behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dearborn Public School’s Core Values Honesty Integrity Responsibility Courtesy Respect Citizenship

2 9th Grade Classroom Rules and Responsibilities Our goal in applying these rules daily is to establish and maintain a good learning environment. Only behavior that promotes a positive learning environment will be tolerated. 1. Be in your seat when the bell rings. 2. Be prepared with all required materials. 3. Follow core values. 4. Remain in your seat unless given permission to do otherwise. 5. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Do not yell out. It is disruptive and unacceptable behavior You will be expected to have and use the DHS planner. 7. No personal grooming. 8. All purses, backpacks, etcetera must be stored underneath your table during class time






8 ?

9 Should you always support a friend, no matter what he or she does?

10 YES! Should you always support a friend, no matter what he or she does?

11 WWI?

12 Alliances

13 Alliance 1. the act of allying or state of being allied.
2. a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes. 3. a merging of efforts or interests by persons, families, states, or organizations: an alliance between church and state.

14 WWI?

15 1879 The Dual Alliance Germany and Austria-Hungary make an alliance to protect themselves from Russia.

16 1881 Austro-Serbian Alliance
Austria-Hungary makes an alliance with Serbia to prevent Russia gaining control of Serbia

17 1882 The Triple Alliance Germany and Austria-Hungary make an alliance with Italy to stop Italy taking sides with Russia.

18 1894 Franco-Russian Alliance
Russia makes an alliance with France to protect herself from A.-H. and Germany

19 1904 Entente Cordiale An agreement, but not a formal alliance, between Britain and France

20 1907 Britain and Russia end their differences with this alliance.

21 1907 The Triple Entente This alliance between France, Britain and Russia is created due to worsening relations with Germany.

22 WWI?

23 Event that starts WWI?

24 Event that starts WWI?

25 Archduke Franz Ferdinand Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary

26 Gavrilo Princip

27 X Marks The Spot [Moritz Schiller’s]

28 The Sandwich!

29 Why did this start WWI?

30 “Real” Reasons for start of WWI?

31 M.A.I.N. Long Term Reasons for WWI

32 M.A.I.N. Long Term Reasons for WWI

33 M.A.I.N. Long Term Reasons for WWI
A =Alliances I = N =

34 M.A.I.N. Long Term Reasons for WWI
M = Militarism A =Alliances I = N =

35 M.A.I.N. Long Term Reasons for WWI
M = Militarism A =Alliances I = Imperialism N =

36 M.A.I.N. Long Term Reasons for WWI
M = Militarism A =Alliances I = Imperialism N = Nationalism

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