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Cross-border Administrative Burdens Citizens

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1 Cross-border Administrative Burdens Citizens
Peter Rem EUPAN WG E-government Portugal 22 October 2007

2 Overview of presentation
Approach AB citizens: quantitative and qualitative Study on cross-border administrative burdens Background Methodology Preliminary results Next steps

3 Rationale behind AB citizens programme
“Citizens feel that the government has insufficient comprehension of the problems of citizens” “People complain about the quality of public services. The distance between government and citizens is too large” “The Government wants less rules to provide more space to citizens and organizations”

4 Approach: quantitative and qualitative
2004: Quantitative approach: 25% reduction Goal: 25% reduction by end 2007, compared to 2004 AB citizens: measured in time and out-of-pocket costs Focus on target groups with large number of AB: chronically ill and handicapped, elderly, benefit claimants, unemployed and volunteers. 2007:Also qualitative targets: New programme focuses on ten bottlenecks: i.e. waiting lists, plain Dutch, more trust, quality of government services Must lead to a noticeable reduction of administrative burdens and better services

5 Study on cross-border administrative burdens
Background (1) Signals that citizens are confronted with cross-border bureaucracy: Examples in the media: Extending driving license in foreign country: it took a Dutch citizen numerous calls and visits to government organisations, five months and € 470,- to extend his driving license in Greece Bringing your car when moving to another country can be quite a hassle!

6 Study on cross-border administrative burdens
Background (2) Complaints in our complaints office for citizens: (botheredbythegovernment) Examples : Polish student who wanted to study, work and marry in the Netherlands this combination proved to be almost impossible to achieve due to the number of administrative burdens and bureaucracy it took her two years! So, we will need to remove a great number of obstacles to really achieve free traffic within Europe!

7 Study on cross-border administrative burdens
Goal Study must give insight in: Information obligations (AB) of these citizens To find the cause of these information obligations How much time do citizens spend on these information obligations? (quantitative measurement) How do citizens experience these burdens? (qualitative measurements by interviews) Suggestions to address these burdens

8 Study on cross-border administrative burdens
Methodology (1) selection of role models identification of the needed services, and connected information obligations (collecting, processing, registering and storing) calculating T*F + C signing up experiences (through interviews)

9 Study on cross-border administrative burdens
Preliminary results Administrative burdens Maarten: Theme Time per year Costs per year General 1 hour and 7 minutes € 0,- Identity 4 hours and 59 minutes € 7,84 Work and income 21 hours and 30 minutes € 206,76 Health 3 hours and 20 minutes € 0,67 Mobility 1 hour and 51 minutes € 45,28 Education 1 hour and 3 minutes Total: 33 hours and 50 minutes € 260,55

10 Study on cross-border administrative burdens
Preliminary results (2) Judgement on the basis of 5 factors clearness proportionality/efficacy return time service level accessibility Score: 4,8 /10

11 Study on cross-border administrative burdens
Preliminary results: Most mentioned irritations Cross-border workers have to do their tax declaration both in Belgium and the Netherlands Calculation of the tax is unclear and difficult Workers bear the costs of mistakes by tax service: (retrospective collection of taxes with high interest) Slow processing: it takes 3 years to “close” a financial year No free choice of health insurance company Lease car not interesting option for all cross-border workers Unclear information on contributions pensions and health insurance

12 Study on cross-border administrative burdens
Next steps Dutch programme on reducing administrative burdens for citizens will: Further elaboration three role models Address the government services responsible for the burdens of these “mobile citizens” and agree on reduction proposals English translation of study (end Nov) European discussion on usability of this methodology as a tool to compare levels of administrative burdens for citizens in different countries Selection best practices and identification high impact barriers.

13 Thank you for your attention!
For more information: Administrative Burdens Citizens: Peter Rem John Kootstra

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