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The North East LEP, the Skills Agenda and our North East Ambition Denis Heaney Enterprise Coordinator North East LEP.

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Presentation on theme: "The North East LEP, the Skills Agenda and our North East Ambition Denis Heaney Enterprise Coordinator North East LEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 The North East LEP, the Skills Agenda and our North East Ambition Denis Heaney Enterprise Coordinator North East LEP

2 North East Local Enterprise Partnership
Remit To promote local economic development in North East To drive growth and job creation in North East Covers 7 local authority areas Working in partnership with the 7 Local Authorities to promote economic development and drive growth and job creation.

3 North East Strategic Economic Plan
Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) is the North East’s plan for economic growth and development Covers the period Refreshed SEP launched in March 2017 All of these investments, programmes and interventions within our Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) from 2014 but was refreshed in 2017.

4 Six programmes of delivery
Supporting innovation Business growth and access to finance Skills In 2014 we established six programmes as the framework for action and investment to deliver the SEP, providing support to a range of projects and partners working in the North East. Employability and inclusion Economic assets and infrastructure Transport and digital connectivity

5 Improving Skills in the North East
Excelling in technical and professional education Higher education Education Challenge 50+ workforce – retrain, regain, retain North East Ambition

6 All schools using, implementing and achieving the benchmarks
Our goals Every young person in the North East should be able to identify routes to a successful working life All schools using, implementing and achieving the benchmarks All schools matched with an Enterprise Adviser Our North East Ambition programme goals…

7 Background to the Benchmarks
Gatsby Foundation – Charitable Foundation of Lord Sainsbury Professor Sir John Holman Six International Visits – Netherlands, Germany, Hong Kong, Finland, Canada, Republic of Ireland. 8 benchmarks of ‘Good Careers Guidance’ identified. Schools starting points in relation to the benchmarks tested via a survey of 10% of schools in England. Findings combined with the international research. National Pilot commissioned in 2015 to test how schools and colleges can move from their starting points to a position of achieving the benchmarks. Audit and Action Planning. 2 year pilot in terms of intensive activity with the schools/colleges, 4 year pilot in terms of data collection independent external evaluation. Background to the work we have ben doing in this space.

8 The 8 Benchmarks The Gatsby Benchmarks

9 A New National Careers Strategy
The success of the research and in turn the pilot enabled the benchmarks to be positioned at the heart of the new national Careers Strategy published in December 2017.

10 Statutory Responsibilities
The name, address and telephone number of the Careers Leader A summary of the careers programme, including details of how pupils, parents, teachers and employers may access information about the careers programme How the school/college measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils The date of the next review of the information published The statutory guidance for schools also contains further information about a Provider Access Policy Statement setting out the circumstances in which providers of technical education and apprenticeships will be given access to year 8 to 13 pupils. Statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff outlined some key responsibilities

11 Implementation Plan Along side of that was the Careers and Enterprise Companies Implentation plan which highlighted the scaling of the North East Model by establishing 20 Careers Hubs with a further 20 being established next year.

12 Career Hubs

13 Scale of Ambition Despite leading the national pilot with the Gatsby Foundation, the work directly supported only 16 schools and colleges - we have 170 schools and nine FE colleges in the region who need our support The Careers Hub will help to build the systems and structures required to better align the needs of education with the needs of business, providing a pipeline of talented and more informed young people with the skills and aptitudes required to meet the long term needs of the region.

14 What is a Careers Hub “A Careers Hub is a group of between 20 and 40 schools and colleges located in the same geographic area, working with universities, other education and training providers, employers and career professionals to ensure the Gatsby Benchmarks are delivered in each school and college and that careers outcomes are improved for all young people. Schools and colleges within a Hub should have a shared vision of how they will work together to improve outcomes for the young people in their area” - Career Hubs Prospectus 2018, Careers and Enterprise Company So what is a Careers Hub..

15 Our Successful Proposal
There are three aspects to the North East Ambition: Careers Hub. We proposed to create: a Hub of 40 secondary schools a Hub of 10 colleges (including all of the regions nine general FE Colleges and one Sixth Form Centre) a ‘Cornerstone Hub’ (supporting the other Hubs and Hub Leads across the country) The North East LEPs proposal was to create 3 Hubs…

16 Schools Hub Consisting of 40 secondary schools, covering all 7 LA areas, including 10 original Gatsby pilot schools. Supported by a Hub Leader and 2 Enterprise Coordinators. Some of the original Gatsby Pilot schools will act as initial lead schools – they will be paired with others who have applied to be ‘lead’ schools and will support the wider work of North East Ambition – building capacity within the system. We will establish the systems and structures to create a community of practice that delivers impact – consisting of termly network meetings, quarterly case studies and timetabled progress monitoring visits Schools Hub

17 Schools Hub Supporting a high proportion of the most disadvantaged students in the country whilst not losing sight of the fact the benchmarks support ‘each and every’ student and schools in every context: NEET figures range from 8% to 0% (national average 5%). Two thirds have a Free School Meals % above the national average – ranging between 62% - 5%. Three SEND schools included alongside mainstream schools who have a range of SEND pupils (32% - 2%). English as an Additional Language (EAL) – some of our schools have a significant proportion of EAL Deliberate range of starting points, geographies, deprivation factors and a range of Ofsted grades. We have also included all types of schools – SEND, PRU, Studio School, UTC, LA Maintained, Academy and Trust Schools.

18 College Hub The only Careers Hub dedicated to FE nationally.
The North East Ambition College Careers Hub will include all of the regions’ 9 general FE Colleges and 1 Sixth Form College. The College Careers Hub will have a dedicated College Careers Hub Lead. The College Careers Hub will be supported by an additional Enterprise Coordinator who will specifically support the College Careers Hub.

19 College Hub The Gatsby Foundation published a refined Benchmarks for Colleges The National Careers Strategy (DfE 2017) encourages colleges to adopt and implement the benchmarks The CEC Implementation Plan (2018) covers potential support for colleges. The Statutory Guidance (DfE 2018) requires colleges to name a careers leader and publish their careers programme. College Hub

20 Aims To embed the ‘Good Career Guidance Benchmarks’ in Hub schools and colleges in the North East Local Enterprise Partnership area. To document the impact of the benchmarks in action – documenting the conditions, support and capacity needed by schools and colleges to make measurable and rapid progress towards the achievement of the benchmarks .

21 Intentions Build capacity within and between the Hub schools/colleges to deliver a consistent, comprehensive and high quality career education for all students that meets the standards of the Benchmarks. Capture the impact of the Benchmarks on student outcomes and whole school/college culture in a diversity of settings. Identify the problems and barriers to the comprehensive implementation of the Benchmarks and identify solutions and opportunities to overcome these issues. Create a sustainable and replicable approach to the implementation of the Benchmarks that can be applied at scale.

22 The Cornerstone Hub In addition to the Schools Hub and the College Hub, the North East LEP has been designated as the CEC’s ‘Cornerstone’ Careers Hub. By assuming this role, we will work to shape good practice and provide leadership and inspiration across all 20 Careers Hubs, ensuring the needs of schools, colleges and businesses are at the heart of developments and aligned regionally and nationally. Our lead schools/colleges will play an important role in hosting learning visits to the region from other areas of the country and will be called upon to support other schools and colleges and to share good practice through the Cornerstone Hub. Cornerstone Hub

23 North East Enterprise Adviser Network
the national Enterprise Adviser network operating in all 38 Local Enterprise Partnership areas over 120 Enterprise Advisers within the North East LEP network 97 Enterprise Advisers matched and working with schools/colleges the ambition to allow every school and college to have access to the Enterprise Adviser Network by scaling-up the network of both schools and Enterprise Advisers (170 schools) And still key to the success of the implentation of the Gatsby Benchmarks into schools and colleges are employers.

24 FaulknerBrowns Architects
A snapshot of some of the employers who make up the North East Enterprise Adviser Network.

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