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NB#7 Chapter 6 Section 2 Canada

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1 NB#7 Chapter 6 Section 2 Canada

2 Population Patterns Natives originally settled in Canada when they crossed the land bridge from Asia to North America thousands of years ago. The people of Canada today originally immigrated there for many reasons. Most trace their roots back to English and French colonization.

3 Population Patterns Canada is very cold and has rough terrain (land). 90% of people live near the U.S/Canada border Most of Canada’s population lives in urban cities like Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Quebec.


5 Canada’s History Canada was originally settled by the natives
Around the 1400s and Europeans arrived (Mostly the British and French) After much fighting over the years, the British basically won control of Canada

6 Canada’s History Canada remained part of Britain until The two countries kept close ties though. Even though independent, Canada’s government is a Constitutional Monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth of England being their monarch.

7 Culture: Language There are 2 official languages of Canada: English and French. Since there are many immigrants in Canada, other languages are also spoken, but are not official.

8 Culture: Religion Since Canada’s history is a product of European expansion, Christianity was and is the largest religious group Canada is a diverse land, so all the other major religions are also able to practice their faith freely there.

9 Culture: Education Have public and private schools to meet the needs to Canadians. Similar to the United States, children in Canada are required to attend school until age 16.

10 Culture: The Arts British, French, American, and native cultures all influence Canadian art. Canada’s government helps support the arts and artists

11 *Culture: Family Canada is a wealthy country with a high standard of living. Most people there have the modern conveniences of America

12 *Culture: Family 64% of Canadian families are married (compared to 50% in the U.S) 44% of families only have 1 child, while 39% have 2 children. Very few Canadians have more children.

13 *Culture: Family Since there aren’t a lot of children being born to Canadians, they have a high number of senior citizens. 1 in 7 Canadians are age 65 or older.

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