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Teacher ethos + Decolonial Pedagogy

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1 Teacher ethos + Decolonial Pedagogy
CLASP PDC September 2018

2 Acknowledgment We acknowledge that we are gathered today on the traditional homelands of the Palus Band of Indians and the ceded lands of the Nez Perce Tribe. We further acknowledge their presence here since time immemorial and recognize their continuing connection to the land, to the water, and to their ancestors. .

3 What is CLASP?

Overview and Staff and Partners

5 Students Faculty Student affairs units

6 Hidden curriculum (unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school.) Explicit invitation (office hours) Students Explicit invitation into the interior life of the university and academic achievement

7 Faculty Think about relationship between pedagogy and retention
Microaggressions Stereotype threat resources

8 Student affairs units Support Partnerships networking

9 How do you want to be perceived by students in the classroom
How do you want to be perceived by students in the classroom? What do you do to create and foster that perception? Overview and Staff and Partners

10 Student Confidence Classroom Climate
Wait, It’s not #allaboutme? Student Confidence Classroom Climate Student confidence - The more confident they feel in class, the more likely they are to speak up and participate Biggest factor is classroom climate: inclusive, encouraging, attentive; perception of peers and function as a group

11 The most successful learning environments are those created by both students and faculty

12 Decolonial Pedagogy

13 Colonialism Really important framing

14 Decolonial Theory Haas (2015)
Decolonial theory allows scholars to consider how the “effects and complicities of historical and contemporary colonialism” influence: Research and educational institutions Theories Methodologies Methods** Scholarship Everyday embodied practices** Haas (2015)

15 every dimension of human life.”
To what extent does the design of our courses contribute to “an order of normative reason that extends a specific formulation of economic values, practices, and metrics to every dimension of human life.” --Wendy Brown, Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution

16 Language, Migration, and Culture
“What the current stage of globalization is enacting is (unconsciously) the uncoupling of the ‘natural link’ between languages and nations, languages and national memories, languages and national literature. Thus, it is creating the condition for and enacting the relocation of languages and the fracture of culture,” -Walter D. Mignolo “Globalization/Mundializatión: Civilization Processes and the Relocation of Languages and Cultures”

17 Bridging Distance

18 Decolonial vs Postcolonial
“But where the colonized were Othered in the postcolonial of South Asia and Africa, the indigenous of this hemisphere were to be eliminated, not Othered but removed, either physically or culturally, a long and relatively successful campaign of genocide in one form or other, giving rise to efforts to rediscover buried histories and rhetorics Although the term ‘decolonial’ is more recent than ‘postcolonial,’ the decolonial’s history goes much further back (Villanueva).” Decolonial vs Postcolonial

19 Power Coloniality displays itself in unequal power relationships. Decolonial theory should interest and concern anyone imbricated within structures of power.

20 Authority and responsibility
Unavoidable issues of power involving authority and responsibilities that come with power and authority

21 Respect Relationality Reciprocity
Essentially it’s about fostering an environment centered on respect, relationality, and reciprocity

22 Ethos and Decolonial pedagogy
Name and Titles Attire Syllabus and Assignment Design Feedback and Correspondence Classroom Position and Arrangement

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