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SEMI Journal 2/19/18 Continue on last week’s journals.

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Presentation on theme: "SEMI Journal 2/19/18 Continue on last week’s journals."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEMI Journal 2/19/18 Continue on last week’s journals.
What were the 3 most interesting things that you found out in your Sports or Entertainment career research? Check out the teacher webpage!

2 Marketing Journal 2/19/18 Start a new set of journals.
Last week you received your progress reports in all your classes yesterday – how did you do? Tell me your grades in EACH class. Did the results surprise you? Have you met your class/grade goals for this class? What are you going to do to improve (or keep) this grade? Please review the teacher webpage!

3 PPS1 Journal 2/19/18 Continue on last week’s journals:
In a few minutes you will receive an article called “Healthcare in the Digital Age.” You are write a in your journals; 3 things you learned; 2 surprises; 1 comment or question. Be prepared to discuss your results with your classmates. Please check out the teacher webpage!

4 SEMI Journal 2/20/18 How can a team work efficiently?
Are you a leader or a follower when you work on a team? What are some “norms” that you have on teams? (Remember the 4 stages of teamwork?)

5 Marketing Journal 2/20/18 What is a difference between a good and service and provide an example of each.

6 Marketing 3-2-1 Put a header on a sheet of paper and this will be your Exit Ticket for today. Since we have been presenting the Marketing Career Visuals, Tell me….. 3 things You have learned 2 things that surprised YOU 1 comment or question You will TURN IN as you leave today!

7 PPS1 Journal /20/18 I See… I Think… I Wonder?

8 SEMI Journal 2/21/18 If you could spend 1 day with ANY sports or entertainment star (alive or dead), answer the following: Who? Why? What would you do? (Please remember that your response must be school appropriate).

9 Marketing Journal /21/18 Make a list of all the goods and services that you have used in the past 24 hours. (Give at least 5 or 6). Respond to the following about the top 2 of these goods or services. How did you find out about these goods/services? Where did you obtain these goods/services? How much did these goods/services cost?

10 PPS1 Journal /21/18 Over the last couple of weeks you have read letters from former students. After some reflection time, what 3 things impacted you the most from these letters? What are you going to do differently this semester based on these letters? Be prepared to discuss your responses with your classmates.

11 PPS1 Reflective Journal
Today we will finish 2 Million Minutes. Students should continue to take notes in their Reflective Journals - write down questions, words and thoughts as the movie concludes.

12 SEMI Journal 2/22/18 How did working on the Team Challenge go?
What went well? What could have been improved? What was YOUR contribution to the Challenge?

13 What is the difference between COMPANY policies and procedures?
Marketing Journal 2/22/18 What is the difference between COMPANY policies and procedures? Give an example of each one?

14 PPS1 Journal /22/18 How have YOUR impressions changed about the American Education System after watching 2 Million Minutes? What has changed for YOU about your impressions of students in China and India? Be prepared to discuss your responses with your classmates.

15 SEMI Journal /23/18 List 3 sports or entertainment products and name the athlete or entertainer that endorses that product. Print and turn in 10 journals!

16 SEMI Activity Students are to work with their seatmate and provide 2 examples of why/how consumers will participate in or attend sports/events. Provide a clear example and tell what the motivator that got a consumer/person involved. Students should use rational, emotional and patronage motives to explain why. All examples need to be school appropriate. Be prepared to share your examples with class!

17 Marketing Journal – Part 1 2/23/18
You have reviewed several LAPs so far in this class – what has helped you with the LAPs? What has not been helpful to you with the LAPs? Do you have any suggestions on how to improve our learning as a class with the LAPs. BE HONEST – I value your feedback. Keep Your Journals OPEN today – there are 2 parts! YOU Will SAVE your journals today !!!!

18 Marketing Activity Directions: Identify the marketing mix element being illustrated in the examples below. (Product, Price, Place, Promotion): How should the product be packaged? Should we offer credit or layaway? Should we allow our product to be sold by a wholesaler? How often should we advertise? How many sales people should we hire? Should we offer guarantees or warranties? Which type of transportation should we use to move the product? What should be offered for sale? How often should we put the product on sale? Which celebrity could we use to entice customers into the store?

19 Marketing Segmentation Activity
Using the magazines provided, find 3 different products and paste them on the paper. For EACH product – you need to identify the following market segmentation for that product: Demographics – need 3 examples Geographics - need 3 examples Psychographics need - 3 examples Behavioral need - 3 examples This assignment should have a proper header and be legible and neat. TURN INTO THE BASKET when the assignment is completed – it is due at the end of class MONDAY so use your time wisely.

20 PPS1 Journal /23/18 We have spent significant time watching the 2 Million Minutes film and having class discussions. What were your reactions to this film? What improvements can you share to make this assignment better for future IBCP students? (Please make sure you have completed a Language Development Logbook Entry about Film and activities.) PRINT and TURN IN 10 journals!

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