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1st Grade Fall Open House

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1 1st Grade Fall Open House 2016-2017
Welcome to 1st Grade Fall Open House

Ms. Chelsea Bivins Mrs. DeAnn Creech Ms. Marcy Jackson Mrs. Mandi Slatton

3 Everyday at 7:45 we will have morning assembly!
Please make sure that your child has a book in his or her book bag to read from 7:30-7:45. Mrs. French and Mrs. Gaines will make announcements at this time as well as recognize all birthdays for that day. We will also have a moment of silence and say the pledge of allegiance.

4 Communication Agendas - Please make sure to sign your child's agenda every night and look for notes from the teacher. Teacher Webpage – Please take the time to view your child’s teacher’s webpage. Here you will find our calendar, schedule, important announcements, and ways to contact your child’s teacher. Remind 101 – Please make sure that you have signed up to receive quick reminders and information.

5 Behavior In first grade, we use the color system for behavior, very similar to kindergarten. If your child ends his or her day on something other than a positive color, you will find an explanation in your child’s agenda. There are also added positive reinforcement incentives for good behavior.

6 Reading Reading Goal for First Grade – 60 wpm
Sight Word Goal – 600 words Center /Station work will include computer time, ELA, Social Studies and Science, Reading assignments, word work, sight words, and writing Homework assignments include reading 20 minutes daily. Please study sight words on the homework sheet each night. These are individualized for each child. They will be tested each Thursday! Homework will also include reading fluency passages. Guided Reading; daily teacher guided, small group instruction. Saxon Phonics - daily phonics instruction

7 Reading Incentive Goals and Accelerated Reader
8 books per nine week period, 30 books by the end of the school year For students reading chapter books, every 100 pages count as 1 book Celebrations at the end of every 9 weeks Lexile Levels will help students find books that are just right for them Students will be required to make at least an 80% on the accelerated reader quiz for each of their books. Students can only take quizzes on books within their Lexile level.

8 Math Daily Calendar Math
In first grade, students realize that math involves solving problems through the use of appropriate strategies. Furthermore, students will be able to show what they know using pictures, manipulatives, and various strategies. Fact Fluency Math Computation goal = 37 by May

9 Students will write across the curriculum, integrating many subjects.
Writing First Grade Units of Study in writing will focus on opinion, informative and narrative writing. Writer’s Workshop will include working on the writing process. Students will have daily writing instruction. Students will write across the curriculum, integrating many subjects. Students will use correct letter formation, capitalization, and punctuation

10 Science Units in Science include: Weather and Seasons
Plants and Animals Water Magnets Sound Light and Sound

11 Social Studies Units in Social Studies include: Our National Heritage
A Changing Country Inventors in the United States Community Helpers We Are Alike, We are Different

12 Daily Schedule 7:45-8:00 Morning Assembly 8:00-8:10 Unpack
8:10-9:00 Specials (Music, Art, P.E., STEM) 9:00-10:00 ELA Centers 10:00-10:35 Writing 10:35-11:15 Science/Social Studies 11:15-11:55 Lunch 11:55-12:15 Recess 12:15-12:40 Reading (Whole Group) 12:40-1:25 Saxon Phonics 1:25-2:35 Math

13 Specials Students will rotate daily between Music, Art, P.E. and STEM class. We are so excited about our new STEM class! On P.E. days please make sure that your child wears tennis shoes and dresses appropriately.

14 Parent Involvement Mason Creek has many opportunities throughout the year where volunteers are needed. A few of the opportunities include… Fall Festival Secret Santa Book Fairs Field Day *Volunteer training is on August 2:00 or August 10:30.

15 Homework Homework is given on Friday and is due the following Friday. It includes reading for 20 minutes, reviewing sight words, reading a fluency passage, and a math review assignment. The first grade team collaborates to come with the most beneficial assignments, that support the curriculum taught at school. The sight words on the homework sheet for each week will be tested on Thursdays for a grade.

16 Progress Reports/Report Cards
Beginning this year, when your child receives a progress report and a report card, you will see actual grades. The grading scale is as follows: A = B = 80-89 C = 71-79 D = 70 F = 69 and below

17 Learning Clip and Education Galaxy
We love using Learning Clip during math in our classrooms. It is a great way to allow children to interact with their classmates in a way that is engaging. Education Galaxy is another program that the students enjoy using. This program includes both reading and math. The students take a pretest and are then able to practice the skills that need improvement. This program can be accessed at home.

18 We are excited about a great year in first grade!

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