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UNODC-UNECE Manual on Victimization Surveys: Content

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Presentation on theme: "UNODC-UNECE Manual on Victimization Surveys: Content"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNODC-UNECE Manual on Victimization Surveys: Content

2 The structure 10 chapters and 4 Appendices
Extensive use of examples / boxes from victimization surveys carried out in different countries, including developing countries Main focus on household surveys of general population, with information on other types of surveys (surveys of violence against women and ethnic minorities, business surveys)

3 Target audience National statistical institutions Researchers
Academics Practitioners Policy makers

4 The Manual can provide answers to typical questions faced when designing and planning a victimization survey, such as: What are the minimum requirements for a victim survey? How frequently should victim surveys be repeated? How a survey can be organized? What types of crime should be included? What period of time should be covered? What is the best sampling design to adopt? How interviewing methods can affect the comparability of results? How to select and train the interviewers? How to monitor and report on the quality and limitations of a survey?

5 The Manual may respond to questions about what a victimization survey can provide, such as:
How much crime is there and what are its characteristics? What are the characteristics of victims and perpetrators? Has the level of crime changed over time? What are the risks of becoming a victim? Have perceptions of safety changed over time? How much crime is reported to authorities and if it is not, why not? Are crime prevention policies working? Is there a relationship between fear of crime and actual levels of crime?

6 Summary of Chapters Chapter I – Introduction: purpose of the Manual, history of crime victimization surveys, key messages for policy makers and some discussion on the limitations of crime victim surveys. Chapter II - Planning a crime victimization survey: relationship and differences between victimization surveys data and police-recorded crime statistics, with suggested good practices in attempting to compare data from the two sources; draft list of key topics which could be considered as elements for comparability of victim surveys across countries.

7 Summary of Chapters (ctd.)
Chapter III – Methodological issues: overview of the survey process, options for different types of victimization surveys available to the survey manager, key goals and objectives and relevant methodological issues to be considered with a view to achieving such objectives, including target populations, sampling options and frequency of enumeration. Chapter IV - Counting offences and victims: how to count offences and victims with crime victimization surveys; concepts of prevalence and incidence; multiple and repeat victimizations. A guide to the typical structure of a crime victimization survey; forms of questions commonly asked, including those relating to respondent’s fear of crime, experience of household crime, personal victimization experience, reporting of crimes to authorities and general attitudinal questions. Examination of survey modes, covering face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, self-administered interviews, internet based questionnaires and mixed-mode interviewing. Discussion on methods of data capture and survey reference periods

8 Summary of Chapters (ctd.)
Chapter V – Questionnaire design: typical question patterns that may be included in crime victimization surveys; use of screener questions, incident questions, answer modalities and question response patterns. Pre-testing of survey questionnaires and use of pilot surveys Chapter VI - Interviewing (if not a self-response survey): conduct of interviews, including non-response, use of proxy respondents, training of interviewers, quality control throughout the interviewing process Chapter VII - Data processing, estimation and analysis: data process, transfer of data from the questionnaire, coding processes, checking and editing. Ways in which victimization survey data may be analysed and presented, including how data should be interpreted with a view to communicating key findings and results.

9 Summary of Chapters (ctd.)
Chapter VIII – Ethical considerations: ethical considerations addressing both the protection of respondents through ensuring informed consent and protection of privacy and confidentiality, and data dissemination standards. Chapter IX - Publication and dissemination: principles and guidelines for data dissemination and documentation, including dissemination formats, and standards for metadata and references; issue of media relations and data disclosure controls, including the importance of preserving confidentiality of respondents. Chapter X - Closing the circle – evaluating completed surveys: demonstrating the importance of the evaluation process in the life cycle of crime victimization surveys.

10 APPENDICES APPENDIX A. Glossary of survey related terms
APPENDIX B. Other surveys on crime and victimisation (business surveys, surveys on corruption) APPENDIX C. Lessons from the pilot study of the International Violence Against Women Survey (IVAWS) APPENDIX D. Main results of the 2005 UNODC-UNECE inventory of victim surveys

11 Thank you for your attention
Statistics and Surveys Section Policy Analysis and Research Branch

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