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General Information Hand Book

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1 General Information Hand Book
ON-LINE÷CARE SUPPORT General Information Hand Book

2 The On-Line Care Support Service OCS is Sponsored by STORM Global Network and supported by UnLtd in partnership with Leeds Community Foundation.

3 Social Isolation affects over 51% of 75 year olds and others.
The Service is designed to alleviate the condition of Social Isolation as it affects various groups throughout the community. Social Isolation affects over 51% of 75 year olds and others.

4 Individuals affected by the condition generally have very little contact with society. 
They may also go for extended periods of time without having an involving conversation with anyone and receive no visitors.

5 Social Isolation has a comparable risk to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and can increase mortality by 26%.

6 The condition is one which critically affects the individual’s overall health and wellbeing and can cause a person to become depressed or be affected by other mental illness.

7 Social integration is the opposite of Social Isolation and the generally agreed approach to treating Social Isolation, is to increase the opportunities for both physical and mental activity.

8 It has also been found that people who use the internet regularly have a lower chance of becoming isolated.

9 The On-line Care Support service is designed to address some of these issues by increasing the use of available technology, such as a personal computer system, in the lives of aging individuals and people at risk of the condition.

10 Beneficiaries and clients are provided with
a comprehensive assessment and care plan 12 month’s internet service and equipment In-home personal computer training Ongoing regular support and assistance

11 As a community based project, the service is run by specially trained volunteers.

12 Who have completed such courses as Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, Computers and Internet for Beginners Certificate, Equality and Diversity Training, Care planning and record keeping and DBS certification.

13 Volunteer roles include, Care Support Outreach, Videographers, In-home PC Trainers, Individual Needs Assessors and On-line Care Assistants or Support Workers.

14 After training and completion of real time assignments, volunteers may continue in the role as paid professionals.

15 The service is currently being rolled out as a pilot scheme in the Leeds area and is actively recruiting suitable candidates to fill the current vacancies.

16 Qualifying candidates can come from any background and are only required a have a good command of English, be reliable and career minded.

17 You can apply for a role directly by using this link

18 A solutions for an aging society project.
There are currently 6 available spaces for beneficiary candidates to come on to the service free for one year. Candidates should be 60 years old or above and be at risk or affected by issues of Social Isolation or loneliness. A solutions for an aging society project.

19 For more information about the OCS service or the information contained in these pages, please call (0113) or

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