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Human Biology Immune System

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1 Human Biology Immune System
Ch. 40

2 True or False B cells and T cells mature in thymus.
Cell-mediated immune response deals with B cells. Lymphocytes are concentrated in lymph nodes. HIV weakens the immune system by killing cytotoxic T cells. T cells produce antibodies against foreign antigens. Spleen is located behind the stomach and filters pathogens in the blood. Without helper T cells, the specific immune system will not be activated.

3 Objectives 10. Organisms have a variety of mechanisms to combat disease. As a basis for understanding the human immune response, students know: a. the role of the skin in providing nonspecific defenses against infection. b. the role of antibodies in the body's response to infection. c. how vaccination protects an individual from infectious diseases. d. there are important differences between bacteria and viruses, with respect to their requirements for growth and replication, the primary defense of the body against them, and effective treatment of infections they cause. e. why an individual with a compromised immune system (for example, a person with AIDS) may be unable to fight off and survive infections of microorganisms that are usually benign. f.* the roles of phagocytes, B-lymphocytes, and T-lymphocytes in the immune system.

4 Immune System Function
Recognize pathogens and keep them out or kill them. __________ = disease-causing agent Ex. _________________________ Pathogen has to _____ body to cause disease.

5 Standard 10a. Students know the role of the skin in providing nonspecific defenses against infection 10f.* the roles of phagocytes, B-lymphocytes, and T-lymphocytes in the immune system.


7 Innate vs. Acquired Immunity
-Developed, “______” -2nd line of defense. (____________, lymphocytes such as ______, ______) -destroy & remember Innate Immunity -Natural, “_____________” -1st line of defense (_____, ______, _____ _______, _______, phagocytes) - Leads to an ___________ response.


9 Skin A ________ __________ that prevents _________ from entering/invading the body.

10 Inflammatory Response (Non-specific)
- Caused by an Injury (______________) _________ is released capillaries ________ (red, swollen) WBC, platelets move to wounded area ______ kill pathogens (phagocytosis) & ________ seal wound dead tissues form ________

11 Phagocytes (non-specific immunity)
They engulf & “____” or _______ all invaders they encounter. Ex. ______________________________

12 Interferon Produces proteins that protect your cells from virus.

13 Lymphocytes (Specific Immunity)
T-cells Develop in _________ 3 types _______= kill pathogens _______ = activates B & T cells __________ = regulates B, T cells B-cells Develop in ______ _______ 2 types ____________ = remember the pathogens ____________ = produce antibodies

14 All blood cells (RBC and WBC) come from _______ _________.


16 Standard 10b. Students know the role of antibodies in the body's response to infection.

17 Antigen and Antibody (B cells)
- _________ located on the surface of cells - used as markers to distinguish “self” cells from foreign cells. Antibody - produced by _______________ - bind to foreign __________ & ______________ pathogens

18 Antigen and Antibody


20 Main Organs in the Immune System
Bone marrow - all RBC and WBC originate from bone marrow. _____________ - T-cells mature __________ - destruction of old red blood cells and holds a reservoir of blood

21 Lymphatic System ______________– contains lymphocytes & filters pathogens from the lymph. ____________– bring extra body fluid in the tissue back to the heart _________ – fluid in the lymph vessels

22 Standard 10c. Students know how vaccination protects an individual from infectious diseases.

23 Koch’s Postulates A procedure to ________ the ______of a ____________
The pathogen must be found in the host every case of the disease. The pathogen must be isolated from the host and grown in pure culture. When the pathogen from the pure culture is placed in a healthy host, it must cause the disease. The pathogen must be isolated from the new host and be shown to be the original pathogen.

24 Passive vs. Active Immunity
-Ab not made by your own body. Ex. From mother to baby during pregnancy ________ Immunity Ab made by your body Ex. _____________ -inject _______ or ______ pathogen to produce Ab.

25 Standard 10d. Students know that there are important differences between bacteria and viruses, with respect to their requirements for growth and replication, the primary defense of the body against them, and effective treatment of infections they cause.

26 Bacterial Diseases (Pathogenic Bacteria)
Can be cured by _________ if treated early. Ex. Penicillin, tetracyclin Pathogenic bacteria kill healthy cells by their _______________________. Ex. _________, _______, ________

27 Antibiotic Resistance
Shows natural selection. Due to _________, if at least one bacterium w/ a beneficial mutation against antibiotics survives (____________________), it reproduces every 20 min (____________) and the whole colony becomes resistant to antibiotics (_____________).

28 Characteristics of Bacteria
______________ (no nucleus) Unicellular Autotrophic or heterotrophic Has ____________

29 Two Kingdoms of Bacteria
_____________ -live in extreme conditions (such as hot springs or salt mines) _____________ -common bacteria

30 Structures of Bacteria
Cell wall - made of _____________ (polysaccharides cross-linked by short chain of AA); different from plant cell wall (cellulose) ___________ – protective layer around cell wall which helps them stick to surface. _____– hair-like extensions which help to attach to a surface; used for exchanging genetic material. ___________ – circular DNA ___________ – whip-like tail


32 Reproduction of Bacteria
________________ (sexual) One bacterium transfers a copy of its DNA to another bacterium through a ________. Results in new genetic combination. Ex. Antibiotic resistance ________________ (asexual) One cell splits into two cells that are identical to parent cell

33 Beneficial bacteria 1. _________________
Yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese, sour cream 2. ________________ -Used for recombinant DNA technology (ex. Insulin production) 3. _________________ -water treatment, oil spill clean-up by bacteria that break down oil

34 Viral Disease Cannot be cured; only treated.
Mostly, virus will be in body for good once infected. Can be treated by ___________ drugs (NOT antibiotics). Ex. _________________________________________

35 Virus Structure Biological particle composed of _____ or
_______ strand wrapped by a protein coat = __________ -much smaller than ______________.

36 Characteristics Of Viruses
- not a cell (not considered to be a living thing) - do not metabolize (no cellular resp.) - do not grow - do not respond to stimuli - ____________ ONLY inside __________ = obligate intracellular parasite

37 Types of Viruses 1) – inject DNA ( DNA -> RNA -> protein)
2) some enter host cell and make proteins and new viruses directly (RNA -> protein) - some are retroviruses = contain ______________ (enzyme that makes DNA from RNA) (RNA makes DNA -> RNA -> protein) Ex: HIV is a retrovirus.

38 Reproduction of Viruses
1) _______________ - Viruses infect host cell without immediately destroying the host cell = virus is ___________ 2) ______________ viruses infect host cell destroying host cell immediately =virus is __________


40 Standard 10e. Students know why an individual with a compromised immune system (for example, a person with AIDS) may be unable to fight off and survive infections of microorganisms that are usually benign.

41 AIDS ________ ______________ _________
-caused by HIV (_________________________) -HIV directly infects ___________ -> immune system is _____________. -HIV can stay _________ for a long time w/o immediately destroying the cells. -HIV can be transmitted through Infected blood and body fluids

42 Bubble Boy (David Vetter) 1972-1984
SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency) Lacked _______ and lived in germ-free plastic room for 12 yrs. at Texas Children’s Hospital. Died 2 weeks after unsuccessful bone marrow transplant.

43 Allergy Immune system is _____________ and has an immune response to __________ things like _________, thinking that they are harmful invaders.

44 Autoimmune Disease WBC of a person’s body attack its own body cells
Ex. __________________

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