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Age of Jackson Review American History.

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1 Age of Jackson Review American History

2 Indian Removal Act of 1830 Approved by Congress by just five votes and signed into law by President Jackson on May 29, 1830 Appropriates $500,000 and military resources to remove the Five Civilized Tribes from NC, GA, FL, AL, and MS into Indian Territory west of the MS River

3 Native American Resistance to Indian Removal
Assimilation Federal Suits and Treaties Flight Military Conflict

4 Native American Slaveholding in 1860
Cherokees – 4,600 slaves Choctaws – 2, 344 slaves Creeks – 1, 532 slaves Chickasaws – 975 slaves Seminoles – 300 slaves By 1860, the Cherokees had 4,600 slaves; the Choctaws, 2,344; the Creeks, 1,532; the Chickasaws, 975; and the Seminoles, 500. Some Indian slave owners were as harsh and cruel as any white slave master. Indians were often hired to catch runaway slaves; in fact, slave-catching was a lucrative way of life for some Indians, especially the Chickasaws.

5 Democratization of American Politics
Universal White Male Suffrage Removal of Property Requirements from Voting (355,000 in 1824 – 1.1 million in 1828) States nominating Presidential candidates.

6 Nullification Crisis Southerners opposed tariffs.
South Carolina threatens to secede, but instead declares the tariff null and void. Force Bill – President can enforce acts of Congress with the military. Henry Clay pushes a compromise.

7 Emergence of a New 2-Party System
Democrats – Desired Laissez-faire government with regard to economy; advocated states’ rights and autonomy Whigs – Advocated for protective national tariff, a national bank, and a strong central government to aid internal improvement and public works projects




11 Martin Van Buren

12 Presidential Election of 1840
William Henry Harrison Whig, “Log Cabin Candidate” Martin Van Buren Democrat, Incumbent


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