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All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018

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1 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
Presentation on the piloting of the Social Supermarket model in Northern Ireland Sharon Polson Head of Policy and Innovation, Voluntary and Community Division, Department for Communities

2 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
Presentation: The context for the pilots The core model Interim evaluation Plans going forward

3 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
Context The Welfare Reform Mitigations Report (led by Professor Eileen Evason). £1.65m of this allocated to Appendix 5 which includes the requirement to tackle food poverty in Northern Ireland by “improving access to affordable food through a network of community shops and social stores/supermarkets.” We recognise that many stakeholders inputted to the Mitigations report. New area of work for DfC. The Department commissioned a feasibility study. It recommended a “market” test of the SS concept by supporting a small number of VCS organisations who already provided community based support services including some food/meals provision.

4 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
The core model The criteria for the Department’s pilot programme did not stipulate a precise model but rather core characteristics that must be present: there must be access criteria to identify those most in need of the support and prevent abuse there must be a financial transaction to access the support in order to access the food clients must avail of the wraparound services to address the root causes of poverty access must be for a time limited period This allowed the scope for applicants to design what they thought would work best based on their experience of dealing with poverty in their locality. As a result of this each pilot is slightly different with varying access criteria, pricing/membership structures and operational models.

5 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
The core model Food Bank Emergency solution, 3 days emergency food, Use 3 times in 6 months No choice, tinned and dried foods in the main Limited advice and help Social Supermarket Sustained, longer term Membership scheme Choice of food Commitment to uptake of wraparound services Aims and Values: Deal with the causes and consequences of food poverty Person centred approach Promote the concepts of dignity and empowerment

6 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
The core model Fareshare – the key supplier The link with Fuel Poverty – Bryson The elements of the wraparound: Cooking, nutrition, healthy eating Financial capability – budgeting advice and practical information Affordable credit and savings schemes Skills and training, including employability Volunteering opportunities Parenting Grow your own allotment schemes Make the Call

7 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
The Interim Evaluation Role of sib OBA Framework There is a high demand for the service in all five pilot areas. At 30th June 2018 there were 370 individuals who either have or are in the process of receiving support for themselves and families. An analysis of members’ profiles is set out below: Indications overall of very low disposable income with the most prevalent income band being the lowest – less than £250 per month. 36% of all users have to service monthly debt obligations from their disposable income. 58% of members were unemployed with a further 13% economically inactive. Of the remainder 13% were working full time and 9% part time Postcode analysis has shown that 65% of users live within the top 25% most deprived areas in Northern Ireland. Most prevalent household profile is lone parent families followed by one person households

8 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
The Interim Evaluation People accessing the SSM are at a different point than those accessing Foodbanks. Other stakeholders and service providers are interested in the model and believe it has potential to help them deliver their outcomes. Over 21.9 tonnes of surplus food that would otherwise have gone to waste has been redistributed through the SSMs. Analysis of entry interviews indicates that there is considerable potential to help move SSM members in terms of ‘distance travelled’ towards improving their present circumstances / life outcomes. This is applicable in a range of areas including:- confidence and well-being; improved mental and physical health; healthy eating; financial stability; and pathways to employment

9 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
Plans Going forward Early indications are that the SSM pilot provides an innovative and integrated means of addressing the whole needs of members in terms of establishing a tailored pathway out of poverty and improving personal efficacy. In considering how to proceed the following options have been considered: Cease the pilot programme Extend the existing Pilots Extend the existing pilots and expand the number of pilots Option 2 is being taken forward

10 All island Food Poverty Network Conference – September 2018
Some personal reflections: The value of the person centred approach Food poverty is often a combination of complex needs. The pilots are operating as not purely a welfare mitigation Positivity and cheer are important elements in the Social supermarket experience What self efficacy means

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