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Advanced Learning Program Greenwich Public Schools Setting the Standard for Excellence in Public Education Grade Two Fall/Winter Score Interpretation Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Learning Program Greenwich Public Schools Setting the Standard for Excellence in Public Education Grade Two Fall/Winter Score Interpretation Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Learning Program Greenwich Public Schools Setting the Standard for Excellence in Public Education Grade Two Fall/Winter Score Interpretation Procedures February 5, 2014 snowdate: February 18, 2014 Bonnie ORegan, ALP Facilitator


3 Identification Process: Best Practice

4 Triangulation in ALP Identification Process Ability Valid and Reliable picture of student achievement AchievementPerformance

5 Ability, Achievement and Performance are different aspects of cognitive development Ability – reasoning abilities that are developed indirectly through instruction that challenges students to think in new ways (fluid reasoning abilities) Achievement – knowledge and skills specifically taught in schools (crystallized abilities) Performance what students can do with what they know, rather than how much they know.

6 Identification Process Informational Meetings for teachers and parents Collection of Objective and Subjective Data Teacher Referrals Parent Referrals Students recommended for additional testing Screening Ability Evaluation Portfolio discussed at Building Advisory Team Placement Recommendation Re-Evaluation Process Placement Out of Level Achievement Out of Level Performance

7 Cognitive Abilities Test Is only one piece of evidence that is gathered Use Standard Age Scores

8 Cognitive Abilities Test

9 Achievement Iowa Assessments Above Grade Level Concepts Reading Domains: Vocabulary Explicit Meaning Implicit Meaning Key Ideas Authors Craft Mathematics Domains: Number Sense and Operations Algebraic Patterns and Connections Data Analysis, Probability and Statistics Geometry Measurement

10 Achievement Iowa Assessments Cognitive Levels: Reading Essential Competencies Recognize or identify basic information Conceptual Understanding Use more complex thought processes in interpreting text, determining important ideas, or reading between the lines Extended Reasoning Use critical thinking in judging, evaluating, or analyzing text or in integrating ideas within and beyond the text

11 Achievement Iowa Assessments Cognitive Levels: Math Essential Competencies Students recall information, facts, definitions; perform simple one- step procedure Conceptual Understanding Students make decisions of how to approach the problem; specify and explain relationships between facts, terms, properties, or operations; perform multiple-step procedure Extended Reasoning Students use reasoning, use planning, draw conclusions, or cite evidence to solve a problem; develop a strategy to connect and relate ideas to solve problems while using multiple-step procedures and a variety of skills

12 Why Use Out-of-Level Tests Evaluation Reduced Variability and Low Discrimination on Grade-Level Tests Why Use Out-of-Level Tests Achievement Grade-Level tests make everyone look the same when they are not With little variability in students scores, you cannot tell who might need a different kind of curriculum

13 Identification Process Evaluation On Grade Level Testing Comparison Why Use Out-of-Level Tests Achievement NameOn Grade Level Test Score MadisonDRP unit score of 62 (99 th Percentile) JacobDRP unit score of 62 (99 th Percentile)

14 Identification Process Evaluation Grade-Level Tests and Gifted Students: Low Ceilings Why Use Out-of-Level Tests Achievement A ceiling of a test is when getting any more questions right does not change your score Tests with low ceilings give us an imprecise estimate of a childs knowledge or ability


16 Identification Process Evaluation Achievement

17 Identification Process Evaluation Achievement

18 Identification Process Evaluation On Grade Level Testing Comparison Why Use Out-of-Level Tests Achievement NameAbove Grade Level Test Score MadisonReading Comprehension Score at 40 th Percentile JacobReading Comprehension Score at 96 th Percentile


20 Performance Performance Based Assessment Above Level PBA given to select students Constructed-response Literature Response What is the article/story mainly about? What important lesson does the main character learn? How does the character change in the story? What prediction do you have for the next event in the story? What is the authors purpose? Problem Solving The only way that 10 can be written as the sum of 4 different counting numbers is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. In how many different ways can 15 be written as the sum of 4 different counting numbers?


22 Identification Process Collection of Objective and Subjective Data Screening

23 Placement Portfolio Assembled Ability AchievementPerformance No one score on any one measure determines eligibility. Identification Process

24 Placement Building Advisory Committee Classroom Teacher ALP Teacher ALP Facilitator Building Administrator Discuss educational needs of every student


26 Additional Information Gathered During Building Advisory Committee Meeting Teacher(s) provide anecdotal information to identify traits, aptitudes, and behaviors displayed by the student: Motivation Communication Skills Problem Solving Ability Inquiry Insight Reasoning

27 Placement Placement Recommendation Is recommended for replacement curriculum Parents can decline placement Is not recommended for replacement curriculum Parents can request student be re- evaluated in the spring

28 If you need additional information to help you understand your childs individual test scores, please request a meeting with the ALP Facilitator by submitting the written request form and return either via mail or email to Bonnie ORegan, ALP Facilitator, by Friday, February 28. written request form

29 Security Test Booklets are SECURE materials. No Booklets are to be retained at the district or school level. For security reasons, tests may be viewed on only two occasions: 1.When students are taking an assessment 2.When educators are reviewing Item Analysis Reports

30 Assurances language for proper and ethical test administration and use Test items are Copyright © 2012 by The University of Iowa. All rights reserved. These tests contain operational questions that are to be used solely for report review and score interpretation purposes associated with the users of the Class Item Response Record or the Group Item Analysis. No test items may be disclosed or used for any other reason. By accepting delivery of or using these tests, the recipient acknowledges responsibility for maintaining test security that is required by professional standards and applicable state and local policies and regulations governing proper use of tests and for complying with federal copyright law which prohibits unauthorized reproduction and use of copyrighted test materials. THESE TEST BOOKLETS MAY NOT BE RETAINED BY YOU AND MUST BE RETURNED TO IOWA TESTING PROGRAMS WITHIN THREE WEEKS OF RECEIPT. I have read, understood, and accept this message.


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